Princeton Area Alumni Association

Community Service

Community service activities engage alumni with diverse interests from a range of classes throughout the PA3 region.... (More)

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ISLES 2014 PICS internship

Founded in 1981, Isles, Inc. is a community development and environmental organization based in Trenton, New Jersey. With a mission to foster self-reliant families and healthy, sustainable communities, we design and develop effective services that support this mission and share what we learn with others who can make a difference.   

10 week internship:
Isles will offer a Video Production internship to a qualified Princeton student. This project will include: 
·       Researching Isles and becoming familiar with our current services and offerings 
·       Working with Isles’ Chief Operating Officer and Resource Development team to determine video focus and content 
·       Shadowing Isles employees to gain first-hand understanding of Isles’ work 
·       Filming Isles services, as well as interviews with Isles’ staff,  customers, and other stakeholders 
·       Editing footage into short (approximately 1 minute) videos 
·       Posting content on Isles’ YouTube account (or other sites to be determined)   

The intern will create a minimum of four videos, which will focus on Isles’ service areas: 
·       Revitalizing communities 
·       Training and educating 
·       Building wealth 
·       Living green and healthy   

Depending on the capacity of the intern, additional videos to be created may include: 
·       General Isles’ history 
·       Mill One – This is a placemaking project, involving the redevelopment of a disused factory is a distressed area, for the purposes of community development 
·       Drilling down on Isles service areas (such as a short video on Isles Youth Institute and a separate video on Isles Center for Energy and Environmental Training, both part of the “training and educating” focus area) 
·       Profiles of Isles staff/board members   

The Princeton student is expected to benefit greatly from this internship. He or she will gain insight into nonprofit organization and management, as well as the local Trenton community. The intern will strengthen their interpersonal skills through interaction with staff and local community members. Because the intern will often be expected to work independently, he or she will also strengthen time management and project management skills as well as sharpen technical filming and editing abilities.  At the end of the 10 weeks, the intern will have produced a minimum of four short, high-quality videos that can be added to their professional portfolios. 

For Results see

Posted by Princeton AAA about 12 years ago.


PA3-PICS Internships for Summer 2015

PA3 supported two 2014 PICS internships, with ISLES and the American Repertory Ballet, for a total of a $10,000 donation to PICS.   With your help, we hope to do the same for 2015

Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS)

is a broad-based alumni initiative which, in collaboration with partner non-profit organizations, creates and funds paid summer internships throughout the US for Princeton students. The program typically offers over 80 internships each summer, in areas of interest including group advocacy, legal services, public policy, health and social services, community development, education and the arts. The 8-10 week substantive internships are open to all Princeton undergraduates with most open to seniors, and provide the opportunity for students to explore potential careers in public service and the non-profit sector. Princeton alumni serve as partners to the student interns.

ISLES, Inc. of Trenton, NJ

Founded by Princeton alumni as undergrads, ISLES fosters self-reliant families and healthy, sustainable communities.  Click here to read about the 2014 internship with ISLES. 

American Repertory Ballet of New Brunswick, NJ

Staffed by Princeton alumni, ARB aims to bring the joy, beauty, artistry, and discipline of classical and contemporary dance to New Jersey and beyond through artistic and educational programs. Click here to read about the 2014 internship with the ARB. 

Posted by Princeton AAA about 12 years ago.


Restore Our Shore ORANGE Wristbands - Support a Good Cause!

**We have sold more than 50 wristbands and exhausted our supply. Thank you for supporting Restore Our Shore!**

Restore Our Shore is “organizing & mobilizing the residents of NJ to provide funds to local charities assisting in rebuilding NJ coastal towns devastated by Hurricane Sandy.” Among other things, they’re asking retailers to sell wristbands for $5, with 100% of the proceeds going to charity. So far, wristbands have only been available in selected shops around New Jersey and a handful of other places. So what’s a faraway New Jersey Shore lover to do?

PA3 to the rescue! Why? Because it’s for a good cause – and because the wristbands are orange, so we couldn’t resist. We’ll mail wristbands anywhere in the U.S. and will cover the cost of postage. (If you want a wristband sent outside the U.S., please email us, and we’ll work something out.)

Please use this link to order wristbands, for $5 each. Quantities are limited; order yours soon!

Wristaband Wristband_display
Posted by Princeton AAA about 12 years ago.


PA3 Back to School Event: Getting Teacher Evaluations Right

On October 25, 2012, a crowd of about 40 Tigers (PA3 members and alumni of the Teacher Prep program) gathered together to hear a lively panel discussion led by Timothy Matheney '89, who is the Director of Evaluation for NJ Department of Education.  Other panelists included Kathy Chesmel '85, Ph.D, John Yi '03, Kwame Ivery '93, and Sarah Paine '08.  The topic of the discussion was "Getting Teacher Evaluations Right."  Thank you to our panelists and to all who attended!

Raising support for local Trenton Schools: As part of the event, PA3 asked our members to consider a financial or school supplies donation that would go towards teachers at local schools, including Trenton High West, Trenton Central High School, and Ewing High School.   

Our sincere appreciation goes out to all who donated resources to support our local teachers!  PA3 members donated $1,110 in cash contributions as well as a plethora of school supplies (including binders, paper, markers, graphing calculators, and more).  In addition, PA3 was pleased to provide a matching gift of $2,000, for a total cash donation of $3,110.  An awesome effort!

Related Events

PA3 Back to School: Getting Teacher Evaluations Right ( Thursday, October 25, 2012 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )
Location: Princeton University

Posted by lieu2u over 12 years ago.


Jumping to Support Great Athletes: PA3 at the Special Olympics of NJ

June 9, 2012: For a third straight year, PA3 sent a group of volunteers to the Special Olympics of New Jersey.  Our team had the privilege of assisting with the Long Jump event.  We all enjoyed an afternoon of taking meticulous measurements, preparing the athletes for their giant leaps, and enjoying awards ceremonies alongside athletes and coaches.  Special thanks to our volunteers Haiyan Bian, Arlen Hastings ’80, Andrew Lieu ’06, Rachael Edelson, Elizabeth Jacobson k10, and Zhijun Wu p09(pictured left to right).

Sonj_6_9_12_g Sonj_6_9_12_e
Related Events

Community Service - Special Olympics of NJ ( Saturday, June 9, 2012 - 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM )
Location: The College of New Jersey
Organized by: PA3 Community Service

Posted by lieu2u almost 13 years ago.
