Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities

This committee strives to organize and host events that appeal to a wide range of Princeton alumni. (More)

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Princeton Diversity Discussion

You are invited to join us at the Princeton Area Alumni Association's Princeton Diversity Discussion.

Wednesday, 10/14/20, at 7 pm Eastern at

Princeton Diversity Discussions is a monthly series of friendly and inclusive gatherings supported by the Association of Black Princeton Alumni (ABPA), Association of Latino Princeton Alumni (ALPA), Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton (A4P), Princeton Association of Delaware, Princeton Association of New York City (PANYC), Princeton Club of Washington (PCW), Princeton Area Alumni Association (PA3), Princeton Club of San Diego (PCSD), Princeton Association of New England (PANE), and Princeton Club of Chicago (PCC).

These discussions are open to everyone that would like to discuss race-related issues in person. We invite alumni, students, staff, family, friends, and anyone you think is groovy to join us. During the pandemic, we are excited to have you join us digitally!

For more information on Princeton Diversity Discussions, please check out our feature in the Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW) at

To join our email list for notification of our gatherings, please email Jenny Korn at

Related Events

Princeton Diversity Discussion ( Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Organized by: ABPA, ALPA, A4P, and Regions

Posted by tmswift about 4 years ago.


Webinar: Debugging Democracy

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Debugging Democracy: Using Data, Math, and Law for Reform
Professor Sam Wang
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 7 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Virtual ZOOM Event

Professor Sam Wang will give an overview of how democracy in the USA reached its crisis point, how to use data to diagnose the current situation, and discuss the upcoming November 2020 election. He will provide insight into redistricting to prevent gerrymandering and also share actionable items on how young people can get involved as poll watchers this election and in affecting the review of redistricting maps in 2021 based on the 2020 Federal Census.

Sam Wang
Professor of Neuroscience

Sam Wang has been a member of the Princeton faculty since 2000. He holds a B.S. in physics from the California Institute of Technology (1986) and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the Stanford University School of Medicine (1993). A central feature of his laboratory research is the use and development of statistical tools for dealing with large, complex data sets, especially in regard to individual variation. In 2015, he was appointed by Governor Chris Christie to the New Jersey Governor's Council on Medical Research and Treatment of Autism.

Sam has a long-standing interest in elections. He pioneered statistical methods for analyzing U.S. presidential elections in 2004, when he developed tools for the aggregation of state polls. These tools led to the establishment of the Princeton Election Consortium. In 2012 he recognized new, systematic distortions in representation in the U.S. House. Understanding the causes of these distortions launched his interest in voting rights and led to the creation of the Princeton Gerrymandering Project.

Sam Wang's laboratory research focuses on learning from birth to adulthood, at levels ranging from single synapses to the whole brain. He is particularly curious about novel roles for the cerebellum in cognition, social thought processes, and autism. He studies these brain functions using optical neural imaging and big-data approaches to analyzing behavior. Sam is also the author of two popular books about the brain: Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys But Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life (2008) and Welcome to Your Child’s Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College (2011). Both books are available in over 20 languages.

Registration is required. Zoom details will be sent prior to the session.

This event is co-sponsored by the AlumniCorps NJ area committee,
PA3, A4P and PANYC.

Melissa Hager and Jean Trujillo *95, AlumniCorps NJ area committee co-chairs
Rick Ober '65, PA3 Director
Nancy Lin '77 and Douglas Chin '83, A4P co-chairs
Rob Wolk '91, President PANYC
Copyright © 2020 Princeton AlumniCorps All rights reserved.

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Related Events

Debugging Democracy ( Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )

Debugging Democracy: Using Data, Math, and Law for Reform
featuring Professor Sam Wang

Location: Webinar
Cost: No charge
Organized by: AlumniCorps/PA3/PANYC/A4P

Posted by tmswift about 4 years ago.


PA3 Book Club: October 1, 2020

September 23, 2020 -The September PA3 book club meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 1 from 8:00-9:00 pm via Zoom.

If you would like to participate, please email to request the Zoom link.

Our selection is:

Trump Sky Alpha, by Mark Doten, Lecturer in Creative Writing at the Lewis Center. The author will join us for the discussion of his book.

The PA3 book club meets on the last Thursday evening of each month (except July, August & December) at 7:00 p.m., in East Pyne or Frist under normal circumstances and via Zoom until it's safe to meet in person again. Selections alternate, with occasional exceptions, between fiction and non-fiction, and the authors or books typically have a Princeton connection. Book club meetings are open to all PA3 members and their spouses/partners.

A list of book club selections can be found at

Related Events

Book Club: Trump Sky Alpha ( Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM )
Location: Zoom

Posted by Arlen about 4 years ago.


September 2020 Propeller








Please Join Us with Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


7 P, EASTERN TIME (USA) -- TUESDAY, September 8th, 2020

“American Postal Innovations:  What Citizens Need to Know”

2 Speakers:  Christopher W Shaw & Kyle Moore

Historian & Author of “Preserving the People’s Post Office”


A Postal Carrier & Past President of NALC – NJ Branch 268


Decades of congressional and corporate pressures on the US Postal Service are now driving home the point that “innovation” means novelty or change --- but not necessarily improvement.  Though OUR Post Office was initially established “to bind the nation together,” over the years it has delivered much more!  With facts not widely known, our speakers will furnish a bracing account of Post Office achievements --- and the ongoing hobbling --- of this national treasure.  Their accounts will be unsparing and non-partisan in detail.   They will then look ahead to potential future roles & innovations for the Post Office --- consistent with its historic mandate to function “for the benefit of the public.”  There will be ample time for Q & A, and priority will be given to questions submitted in advance to:  


ZOOM LINK will be sent to the first 300 who register by September 6th:


NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER:  Tuesday, October 13th (7 P)

Related Events

September 2020 Propeller ( Tuesday, September 8, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )

American Postal Innovations: What Citizens Need to Know

Location: Zoom
Cost: Free, donations gratefully accepted
Organized by: Princeton Area Alumni Association

Posted by tmswift about 4 years ago.


Racism and its impact on the American city - Recording

Posted by Dan about 4 years ago.
