Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities

This committee strives to organize and host events that appeal to a wide range of Princeton alumni. (More)

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Dear PA3 members,


Back by popular demand, we will hold our third virtual wine tasting on Wednesday, December 2, starting at 7pm. Prior events featured Italian and Argentinian wines. A survey of past participants requested that we next turn to Spanish wines and so we will, again under the expert guidance of Sommelier Sebastian. Details on how to purchase the wine and get your Zoom instructions are below. We also list optional cheese pairings suggested by Sebastian.

The first two were great fun and welcome breaks from necessary-but-not-fun Zoom calls and Covid-related stress and isolation. Please join us!



Thomas Swift '76


Princeton Area Alumni Association



Wine Tasting

Wednesday, December 2, 7–8:15 p.m.

Via Zoom


Cost: $68 plus tax for four bottles of Spanish wine plus a seminar with a certified sommelier and educator


For Zoom instructions, RSVP with affiliation by Mon. Nov. 30 to Mo Chen ’80


Seats (Screens): 100 due to Zoom license limitations




One of our members has arranged with Public Wines, 23 Witherspoon St., to do a wine tasting for us. Our certified Sommelier and educator for the evening will be Sebastian Koncurat, who has 20 years of experience in the wine and culinary industries.


Here is the link about the four Spanish wines and how to purchase them.  Please purchase or reserve wines by noon, Monday, Nov. 30. This will help Public Wine order enough in advance. Please note that if you buy 12 bottles or more (holiday shopping, anyone?), you can get a 15% discount by using promotional code PA3.


Public offers free delivery to the following zip codes: 08502, 08504, 08525, 08528, 08534, 08536,08540,08542,08553, and 08558. Promotional code: Freeship.  If you live outside these zip codes, please order online or call and pick up at the store. If you have questions for Public Wine, please call 609 924 0750 and they will be happy to help you. Please mention PA3 wine tasting.


Optional Cheese Pairings suggested by Sebastian:


Amaltea Cava Sparkling Brut Nature NV pair with CAMPO MONTALBAN. This is a traditional medium firm and mild cheese based on cow and sheep milk from the region of Castilla La Mancha in the continental central region of Spain. This is a smooth and soft cheese that combines sweetness, peppery notes with an earthy aftertaste.


Abadia da Cova Blanco – Ribeira Sacra D.O. Galicia pair with GARROTXA D.O. goat milk cheese. This is a mild Catalonia cheese which was born in the mountain caves surrounding the city of Barcelona. Garrotxa is an ideal aperitif and tapas friendly cheese with mild nutty flavors and creamy aftertaste.


Marques del Atrio Crianza, Rioja D.O.C.A. pair with IDIAZABAL D.O. This cheese is a traditional Rioja & Basque country sheep milk- based cheese. Smoky and slightly oily with a caramel after taste, this is the perfect cheese for a light to medium-bodied Rioja Red.


Pago de Araiz Crianza, Navarra D.O. pair with 12 MONTHS aged MANCHEGO. This is the traditional Castilla-La Mancha hard - firm cheese based on pasteurized sheep milk. Nutty and complex, this cheese offers spicy and dried fruit notes with a gritty crunchiness. 

The cheeses can be found at Olsson's Fine Foods in Princeton or wherever fine cheeses are sold.











Related Events

Spanish Wine Tasting ( Wednesday, December 2, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM )
Location: Zoom
Cost: $68 if you buy wine
Organized by: PA3

Posted by DanTemp almost 4 years ago.


A conversation with George Will *68

"What the Election Told Us" A Conversation With George Will *68 Wednesday, November 18th @ 6:30pm EDT

About this Event

"What the Election Told Us": A Conversation With George Will *68

Wednesday, November 18th @ 6:30pm EDT


RSVP Here and you will receive a zoom link prior to the event


As the 2020 election draws to a conclusion, the Princeton Association of New York City (PANYC), in collaboration with the Princeton Club of NY, is pleased to invite you to a timely discussion of what just happened in the 2020 election and what does this mean for the future of our country and democracy.

“What the Election Taught Us” is a fireside chat featuring renowned columnist George F. Will *68 who will discuss the 2020 election results and what it means for our country and the world, in conversation with Wendy Gerber '80 .

U.S. Presidential candidate, and former Vice President, Joe Biden has described the 2020 election as a “battle for the soul of this nation.” With the impact of the coronavirus crisis, among other recent events, we are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history.

George Will, a life-long conservative, made a statement when, in June 2016, he revealed that he had left the Republican party, citing his disapproval of President Trump. He has since been vocal in his support for Joe Biden writing that “Joe Biden’s election will end national nightmare 2.0, the nation’s second domestic debacle in two generations.” With the current confluence of events, we are poised to see what election day brings.

We are delighted to host this fireside chat with George Will a few weeks after the 2020 election to discuss (i) what happened and why; (ii) any ongoing uncertainty regarding the election results; and (iii) how our nation can move forward from here.




George F. Will's newspaper column has been syndicated by The Washington Post since 1974. Today it appears twice weekly in newspapers across 47 states and four countries. In 1976 he became a regular contributing editor of Newsweek magazine, for which he provided a bimonthly essay until 2011. In 1977 he won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in his newspaper columns.

In June 2019, Mr. Will released his most recent work, The Conservative Sensibility. Altogether eight collections of Mr. Will's Newsweek and Washington Post columns have been published, the most recent being One Man’s America: The Pleasures and Provocations of Our Singular Nation (2008). Mr. Will has also published three books on political theory, Statecraft as Soulcraft: What Government Does (1983), The New Season: A Spectator's Guide to the 1988 Election (1987) and Restoration: Congress, Term Limits and The Recovery of Deliberative Democracy (1992). In 1990, Mr. Will published Men At Work: The Craft of Baseball, which topped The New York Times bestseller list for two months. In 1998, Scribner published Bunts: Curt Flood, Camden Yards, Pete Rose and Other Reflections on Baseball, a best-selling collection of new and previously published writings by Mr. Will on baseball. Mr. Will's most recent book on baseball is A Nice Little Place on the North Side: Wrigley Field at One Hundred (2014). In July 2000, Mr. Will was a member of Major League Baseball's Blue Ribbon Panel, examining baseball economics.

He has taught political philosophy at Michigan State University, the University of Toronto and Harvard University. Mr. Will served as a staff member in the United States Senate from 1970 to 1972. From 1973 through 1976, he was the Washington editor of National Review magazine. In 1981, Mr. Will became a founding panel member on ABC television’s "This Week" and spent over three decades providing regular commentary. Then followed three years with Fox News where he appeared regularly on "Special Report" and "Fox News Sunday." Mr. Will is now a regular contributor to MSNBC and NBC News.

Mr. Will was born in Champaign, Illinois, educated at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Oxford University and Princeton University, where he earned his Ph.D. in 1968 and served as a trustee. Mr. Will was awarded the Madison Medal from Princeton in 1992. Today, Mr. Will lives and works in the Washington, D.C., area.


Wendy Gerber '80 started her career as a journalist with Newsday, then worked as an international lawyer in New York and Paris. She is currently CEO of the International Consulting Group, a global strategy, branding and marketing consulting firm driving growth with a triple bottom line approach—focused on revenue growth, social impact, and sustainability. A graduate of Princeton and New York University Law School, Wendy has also studied at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Related Events

What the election taught us: George Will *68 ( Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Webinar
Organized by: PANYC

Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.


PA3 Book Club: 11/19/20 & 1/28/21

October 24, 2020 - The PA3 book club will meet on Thursday, November 19, from 7-8 pm (one week earlier than our usual last Thursday, which is Thanksgiving); take December off; and meet again on Thursday, January 28. 

Zoom links will be shared with the book club mailing list. To be added to the list, or to request the link for a specific meeting, please email

Our selections are:

November 19, 2020 - The Weight of Ink, by Rachel Kadish '91

January 28, 2021 - White Girls, by Hilton Als, Presidential Visiting Scholar 2020-21

The PA3 book club (usually) meets on the last Thursday evening of each month (except July, August & December) at 7:00 p.m., in East Pyne or Frist under normal circumstances and via Zoom until it's safe to meet in person again. Selections alternate, with occasional exceptions, between fiction and non-fiction, and the authors or books typically have a Princeton connection. Book club meetings are open to all PA3 members and their spouses/partners.

A list of book club selections can be found at

Related Events

Book Club: The Weight of Ink ( Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Zoom

Book Club: White Girls ( Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Zoom

Posted by Arlen almost 4 years ago.


Where Law Ends: Andrew Weissmann '80

The Princeton Association of New York City (PANYC), in partnership with the Princeton Club of Philadelphia (PCOP) and the Princeton Area Alumni Association (PA3), is pleased to host Andrew Mueller '80, one of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's chief deputies, to talk about his new book on the Mueller investigation.

Thursday, October 15, 2020 from 7 to 8:30 pm, via Zoom

Register here:  Weissman Event


WHERE LAW ENDS pulls back the curtain to reveal what went on day-to-day in the Special Counsel’s investigation, putting the reader in the room as the team plotted its strategy and made its most consequential decisions. It documents the choices the Mueller team made, good and bad, for all to see and judge and learn from.

Michael Vatis '85 will moderate this conversation with Andrew Weissmann '80.


Andrew Weissmann '80 teaches criminal procedure and national security law at New York University School of Law and is a partner at the law firm Jenner & Block. He served as a lead prosecutor in Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office and as the general counsel for the FBI under Director Mueller. He also served as chief of the Fraud Section in the Department of Justice, and directed the Enron Task Force, where he supervised prosecutions in connection with the company’s collapse. As a federal prosecutor for fifteen years in the Eastern District of New York, Weissmann prosecuted numerous members of the Colombo, Gambino, and Genovese crime families, and police officers for misconduct arising from the attack on Abner Louima. He holds degrees from Columbia Law School and Princeton University.

Michael Vatis '85 is a partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP in New York, where he chairs the Privacy & Cybersecurity practice and is an appellate litigator. Earlier in his legal career, Michael was a law clerk to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Thurgood Marshall. During the Clinton Administration, he served as Special Counsel in the Defense Department, Associate Deputy Attorney General for national security matters at the Justice Department, and the first head of the FBI's cybercrime program.

Related Events

Where Law Ends: Andrew Weissman '80 ( Thursday, October 15, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )
Location: Zoom
Organized by: PANYC/PCOP/PA3

Posted by tmswift about 4 years ago.


PA3 Director Elections 2020


(A copy of the Constitution and of the by-laws of the Association describing the functions of officers and directors, terms of office and other matters may be found under the Governance tab)


Sara graduated in 2009 with a degree in history and certificates in French and Spanish. After graduation she stayed in Princeton, where she has lived since she was four. Sara became involved with PA3 almost immediately and served as secretary for seven years before becoming a director. Her day job is as managing editor for U.S. 1 Newspaper, the Trenton Downtowner, and the Princeton Echo, which was a natural extension of her work with the Daily Princetonian as a student. Sara also serves as an alumni interviewer and is always looking for ways to give back to Old Nassau.


Isabel was first elected to the position of Director in 2017.  She studied Classics as a graduate student at Princeton and presently works as an attorney.  Isabel became involved as an Alumni Schools Committee interviewer as her first foray into alumni activities a few decades ago.  Over the years, she has chaired the Mercer East ASC region here in NJ, and for a few years she also chaired the Nebraska ASC from NJ.  Isabel has served as a P-rade Marshal, an alumni representative on the Council of the Princeton University Community, a board member of the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni (APGA), a member of the APGA Reunions Committee, and a volunteer with the local Princeton Prize in Race Relations Committee.  She has served on the Alumni Council’s Princetoniana, Graduate Alumni Relations, Nominations, Alumnae Initiatives, and Princeton Schools Committees.  Isabel lives in Hightstown.  


Linda, an active member of PA3, is one of the first women graduates of the Great Class of ’71.  She earned her Princeton degree in Sociology.  After graduation, she was invited to teach middle school in rural Kenya.  Later, acting as President of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni, Linda was successful at expanding association membership, while also serving on the Alumni Executive Committee .  Celebrating student accomplishment,  she is a member of the Princeton Area Schools Committee and Co-Chair of a Princeton Prize in Race Relations Committee.  Linda retired from AT&T Management, and she now exercises her love of teaching by acting as a substitute teacher at Littlebrook Elementary School, a public school in Princeton. 

Posted by frankederby about 4 years ago.
