Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities

This committee strives to organize and host events that appeal to a wide range of Princeton alumni. (More)

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The Origins and Architectural Grandeur of Princeton’s Iconic Eating Clubs

The Origins and Architectural Grandeur of Princeton’s Iconic Eating Clubs

Date and time:  Friday, May 21, 2021 - 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

A 2021 Princeton Virtual Reunions Event via Zoom

The fascinating evolution and architecture of the eating clubs, along with archival images and spectacular photos, will be presented by Clifford W. Zink, award-winning author of The Princeton Eating Clubs book* published in 2017. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers.

Sponsored by the Alumni Council Committee on Princetoniana and Princeton Prospect Foundation.

*Available on Amazon, and the PU Store and Labyrinth Books in Princeton.


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Posted by tmswift over 3 years ago.


May 2021 Propeller






Please Join Us with Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


7 P, EASTERN TIME (USA) -- TUESDAY, May 11th, 2021
“Transforming Medical Logistics with Drones:
Bringing Health Products to Africa, the US & Beyond”

Speaker: Whitney H Huang

Embedded Software Engineer, Zipline International

The COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and war have rendered the timely delivery of vaccines, blood, medicines, personal protective equipment, food and other critical supplies --- more urgent than ever. Yet, often the only way to get such desperately needed items safely through to their destinations is with delivery drones. What recent technical advances in the design, testing and deployment of such UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) are making this possible? Our speaker will delve into aspects of Zipline’s rapid, integration-level testing that include: HITL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) testing; a Fault Injection testing system that induces pathological failure modes (in-flight); her software for a Motor Pod End-of-Line tester; and embedded and backend software for Zipline’s Launcher system. The company is a major deliverer of blood products to Rwanda and Ghana, and runs more than 200 flights/day halfway around the world, 24/7. To help accomplish this, Whitney became a certified Flight Operator and Controller, with FAA Part 107

ZOOM LINK will be sent to the first 300 who register by May 9th at

NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER: Tuesday, June 8 th 2021 (7 P)

Related Events

May 2021 Propeller ( Tuesday, May 11, 2021 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM )

“Transforming Medical Logistics with Drones: Bringing Health Products to Africa, the US and Beyond”

Location: Virtual
Cost: Donations welcome
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift over 3 years ago.


German and Austrian Wine Tasting

PA3 cordially invites you to a

German and Austrian Wine Tasting


Saturday, May 8, 2021

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.

Via Zoom


Optional Cost: $76 plus tax for four bottles of wine plus a seminar with a certified sommelier and educator. It is not required to purchase the wines or buy all 4 bottles.

For Zoom instructions, RSVP with affiliation by May 4th to Mo Chen ’80 at



We have again arranged a wine tasting in partnership with Public Wines, 23 Witherspoon St. Our certified Sommelier and educator for the evening will be Sebastian Koncurat, who has 20 years of experience in the wine and culinary industries.

Click here for the description of the four German/Austrian wines and how to purchase them 

Please purchase or reserve wines by noon on Tuesday, May 4th. This will help Public Wine order enough in advance.

Please note that if you buy 12 bottles or more, you can get a 15% discount by using promotional code PA3.

Public offers free delivery to the following zip codes: 08502, 08504, 08525, 08528, 08534, 08536,08540,08542,08553, and 08558. Promotional code: Freeship

If you live outside these zip codes, please order online or call and pick up at the store. If you have questions for Public Wine, please call 609 924 0750 and they will be happy to help you. Please mention PA3 wine tasting.

Optional Cheese Pairings suggested by Sebastian

The link below identifies the cheese pairings chosed by Sebastian.  You may obtain them from Olsson's.

Olsson’s Cheese Plate:




Related Events

German and Austrian Wine Tasting ( Saturday, May 8, 2021 - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM )

Our sixth virtual wine tasting

Location: Zoom
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.


Past, Present, and Future of Fusion Energy




An interactive Session with Matt Miller *74 S70

Tuesday, May 4th, 730 pm EDT, via Zoom


Register in advance for this meeting:

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.




Join Matt Miller *74 S70 as he shares his work with the Princeton Plasma Physics Labs, the exciting potential of fusion for our future energy needs, and Princeton's ongoing and significant role in international fusion research.  Matt has focused on fusion and its potential to deliver inherently safe zero carbon energy at scale, to power a growing global industrial economy, soon enough to impact climate. He co-founded the Stellar Energy Foundation in 2016 and has an ongoing management consulting relationship with the Princeton Labs. For useful background information about fusion and recordings of Stellar's January Webinar "Energy, Environment, Innovation: Fusion's Promise for Our Climate," please visit


Matt Miller *74 S70

Matt has worked in the technology industry for more than forty years. He has been a bench-scientist, high tech project manager, large company CTO, and serial technology entrepreneur and CEO. He has contributed to numerous fields including space-based instrumentation, atmospheric photo-chemistry, semiconductor devices, and digital communications. He played a major role in the development, standardization, and practical deployment of US HDTV and high-speed cable modems.

Miller has also consulted extensively to both the private equity and venture capital communities and has served on numerous boards of directors of public and private companies in addition to having served on investor advisory boards.

From 2014 – 2018, he was the President of the Connecticut STEM Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to foster interest among high school students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). He is President and co-founder of the Stellar Energy Foundation, Inc., a New Jersey 501(c)(3) with the mission of bringing fusion energy to the zero-carbon power portfolio soon enough to make an impact on climate change.

Miller holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University.

Related Events

Past, Present, and Future of Fusion Energy ( Tuesday, May 4, 2021 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )

Matt Miller *74 S 70 will discuss his work with the Princeton Plasma Physics Labs, the exciting potential of fusion for our future energy needs, and Princeton's ongoing and significant role in international fusion research.

Location: Zoom
Cost: free
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.


North Korea: The Problem From Hell

North Korea: The Problem From Hell

An interactive Session with Evans Revere '76

Wednesday, April 7th, 730 pm EDT, via Zoom


Register in advance for this meeting:

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


In 2012, Evans led PA3 members in a fascinating precept-like session discussing the complex diplomacy between the DPRK, the USA, and China.  During the Trump administration, the issue moved to the forefront of foreign policy concerns, and Evans gave us an update late in 2017.  The new Biden administration will no doubt be taking a very different approach.  What can be expected?  Is this a problem that can be solved?  We are again fortunate that Evans has agreed to share his thoughts on North Korea, formed via decades of senior diplomatic experience with DPRK and East Asia more broadly.

Evans will speak for about 30 minutes; the remainder of the event will be Q&A.  Questions submitted in advance will be addressed first; those submitted during the call will be addressed, time permitting.  Questions may be sent to


Evans Revere Biography:

Evans J.R. Revere is senior advisor with the Albright Stonebridge Group, a leading
global strategy firm. He is also nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution’s Center for East Asia Policy Studies. He is an active participant in
international dialogues dealing with U.S. relations with the PRC, the two Koreas,
Japan, Taiwan and East Asian regional security issues. His commentary appears
frequently in major U.S., Korean, and Japanese newspapers and he has appeared on
CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, the BBC, NHK, and other major international news networks.
During 2010-2011 he taught at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School.
From 2007 to 2010 he was President/CEO of The Korea Society, where he organized
the historic 2008 concert in Pyongyang by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
In 2007, he retired after a long career in government service, most of that as one of
the State Department’s top Asia experts. His diplomatic work included service as
the Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
East Asian and Pacific Affairs. During his career, he served in the U.S. embassies in
Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, and Wellington and was the director of the State Department’s
offices managing relations with Korea and with Japan.
He has extensive experience negotiating with North Korea and served as deputy
chief of the U.S. team negotiating with the DPRK and as the U.S. government’s
primary day-to-day liaison with North Korea.
He is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is a graduate of Princeton
University, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and a member of the Council on Foreign


Related Events

North Korea: The Problem From Hell ( Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )

Senior diplomat Evans Revere '76 will update us on the situation with the DPRK and what policy options are open to the new administration

Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.
