Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities

This committee strives to organize and host events that appeal to a wide range of Princeton alumni. (More)

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Propeller videos available online

LInks to Recorded Propeller Talks


October 2021 (Joby Aviation & The Future of Urban Mobility) Joby Aviation & The Future of Urban Mobility 

September 2021 (Prevention of Myopia & Treatment of Metabolic  Disorders) Prevention of Myopia & Treatment of Metabolic Disorders:  Surprising New Roles for Light-Based Disease Therapies 

June 2021 (Vertical Urban Farming) Vertical Urban Farming: A Technological Solution to Farming in  the 21st Century & Beyond 

May 2021 (Medical Drone Delivery) Transforming Medical Logistics with Drones:  Bringing Health Products to Africa, the US & Beyond Not Released 

April, 2021 (AI & Developing Autonomous Commercial Vehicles) How AI is Empowering a Non-Collision Driving World:  Possibilities, Limitations & Next Steps 

March, 2021 (Offshore Aquaculture) Offshore Aquaculture & World Protein Demand: Commercial  Incentives to Fulfill Conservation Imperatives 

October, 2020 (Hydrofoiling) Technical Innovations in Hydrofoiling: Breakthroughs in Crafting  ‘The Boat That Flies’ 

September, 2020 (US Postal Innovations) American Postal Innovations: What Citizens Need to Know  

June, 2020 (COVID @ Local Level) An Up-To-Date Briefing on COVID-19 Infection: And Dealing with  this Pandemic at the Local Level 

May, 2020 (Telemedicine/Telehealth) COVID-19 Unleashes Telemedicine Innovations: New Paradigms  for Delivering Patient Care 

Spring, 2020 (Princeton Propellers Response to COVID-19) Princeton Propellers New Flight Plan 

September, 2019 (Reprise of the December, 2018 Propeller) Assessing a New Treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration


Posted by tmswift about 3 years ago.


Holiday Wine Tasting

PA3 cordially invites you to a

Holiday Wine Tasting

Saturday, December 4, 2021

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.

Via Zoom


Per our sommelier Sebastian Koncurat: 

Picking your Holiday wines this season this year may be challenging as we are still facing pandemic times and gatherings will be limited to small crowds. We imagine most people’s Holiday celebrations to be long meals that may begin with snacks and noshes, extend through appetizers and main courses and end, perhaps hours later, with desserts. The liveliness that comes with good acidity is in effect a survival strategy. Such wines will rejuvenate, even as all that food pushes you toward a comatose state. The French naturally have a term for this characteristic in wines, ‘digestibilité’, wines that are delicious and easy to drink without being freighted with excess or weighing too heavily in the gut...

Optional Cost: $70 plus tax for four bottles of wine plus a seminar with a certified sommelier and educator. It is not required to purchase the wines or buy all 4 bottles.  See below for cheese pairings.

For Zoom instructions, RSVP with affiliation by November 30th to Mo Chen ’80 at


Wine Details

We have again arranged a wine tasting in partnership with Public Wines, 23 Witherspoon St. Our certified Sommelier and educator for the evening will be Sebastian Koncurat, who has 20 years of experience in the wine and culinary industries.

Click here for the description of the four holiday wines, and how to purchase them.  Further details plus cheese pairings will be sent to registrants.

Please purchase or reserve wines by noon on Tuesday, November 30th. This will help Public Wine order enough in advance.

Please note that if you buy 12 bottles or more, you can get a 15% discount by using promotional code PA3.

Public offers free delivery to the following zip codes: 08502, 08504, 08525, 08528, 08534, 08536,08540,08542,08553, and 08558. Promotional code: Freeship

If you live outside these zip codes, please order online or call and pick up at the store. If you have questions for Public Wine, please call 609 924 0750 and they will be happy to help you. Please mention PA3 wine tasting.

Cheese Pairings

Alexandre-Bonnet-Grande-Reserve-Brut-Champagne: Fromager D’Affionis
La-Patience-Rose-2020: Le Chevrot Goat 
Chateau-Ferran-Pessac-Leognan-2018:   Comte 
Punset-Punset-Langhe-Arneis-Doc-2018: Taleggio

Olsson’s link for pairing cheeses 

Related Events

Holiday Wine Tasting ( Saturday, December 4, 2021 - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM )

Hold the Date!

Location: Virtual
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift about 3 years ago.


Detecting Viruses with CRISPR

Detecting Viruses with CRISPR

A discussion with Professor Cameron Mryhvold '11

Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 730 to 900 pm

Register here


Please join us for what will no doubt be a fascinating look into the use of the gene editing technology CRISPR  to detect - and potentially destroy- viruses.  This will be a nice complement to Shirley Tilghman's talk on the ethical considerations and regulation of CRISPR in 2018.

Cameron Myhrvold is an Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology at Princeton University. His work specializes in the development of CRISPR-based technologies for studying RNA, with an emphasis on detecting and destroying RNA viruses. He received a PhD in Systems Biology from Harvard in 2016. His PhD studies in synthetic biology and nucleic acid nanotechnology, supported by a Fannie and John Hertz Foundation fellowship, involved the development of three technologies that demonstrated a variety of applications for self-assembled nanostructures. During his postdoc, he turned his attention towards the RNA-targeting CRISPR effector protein Cas13, where he has led or co-led the development of four Cas13-based technologies, including CARMEN, CARVER, and SHINE.

Further information on his work may be found at his laboratory website and at the departmental website


Related Events

Professor Myhrvold on applying CRISPR to the detection of viruses ( Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )

A followup to Shirley Tilghman's talk on the ethics of CRISPR

Location: Virtual
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift about 3 years ago.


Challenges to Academic Freedom and Campus Free Speech

Challenges to Academic Freedom and Campus Free Speech

A discussion with Princeton Professor Keith Whittington

Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 730 to 900 pm

Register here

Please join us for a discussion with Professor Keith Whittington on this important and timely topic.  His remarks will be followed by the opportunity for Q&A.

Keith E. Whittington is the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University and is currently the chair of Academic Freedom Alliance. He works on American constitutional history, politics and law, and on American political thought. He is the author of Repugnant Laws: Judicial Review of Acts of Congress from the Founding to the Present and Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech, among other works. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, and the University of Texas School of Law, and he is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and serves on the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. He did his undergraduate work at the University of Texas at Austin and completed his Ph.D. in political science at Yale University.

His book Speak Freely was the Princeton Pre-read selection for 2018.



Related Events

Professor Whittington on Challenges to Academic Freedom and Campus Free Speech ( Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )

Discussion with Professor Keith Whittington

Location: Virtual
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift about 3 years ago.


November 2021 Propeller

Note:  This event has been recorded and may be viewed here







Please Join Us with Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


7 P, EASTERN TIME (USA) -- TUESDAY, November 9th, 2021

“Combining Cell Fate Reprogramming & Immunotherapy: A Revolutionary Approach for Cancer Treatment”

Speaker: Filipe Pereira, PhD

Founder & Head of Innovation, Asgard Therapeutics

Associate Professor, Lund University


Cancer is the second-leading cause of human death, with more than 10 million lives lost annually and a cost
burden topping 1 trillion USD worldwide. For the 80 percent of tumors that are solid and hard-to-treat, current
standards of care (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) are often inadequate. Even the newer approaches of
modern immunotherapy (immune checkpoint inhibitors, CAR T-cell therapies, cancer vaccines) often fall short
in more than half of patients, due to lack of antigen presentation, tumor heterogeneity, and immune evasion.
ENTER: a new gene therapy for cancer based on cellular reprogramming, co-developed by our speaker. This
technology reprograms cancer cells into dendritic cells that present their own tumor antigens for destruction.
Following background on ways to reprogram cells, our speaker will: detail his current work; provide previously
unpublished data; touch on challenges that remain before first-in-human trials can take place; and mull
prospects for cell fate reprogramming to transform the current cancer immunotherapy landscape.

To receive the Zoom link, please register by November 7th:

NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER: Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 (7 P)


Related Events

November 2021 Propeller ( Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM )

“Combining Cell Fate Reprogramming & Immunotherapy:
A Revolutionary Approach for Cancer Treatment”

Location: Virtual
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift over 3 years ago.
