Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: The Origins and Architectural Grandeur of Princeton’s Iconic Eating Clubs

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The Origins and Architectural Grandeur of Princeton’s Iconic Eating Clubs

The Origins and Architectural Grandeur of Princeton’s Iconic Eating Clubs

Date and time:  Friday, May 21, 2021 - 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

A 2021 Princeton Virtual Reunions Event via Zoom

The fascinating evolution and architecture of the eating clubs, along with archival images and spectacular photos, will be presented by Clifford W. Zink, award-winning author of The Princeton Eating Clubs book* published in 2017. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers.

Sponsored by the Alumni Council Committee on Princetoniana and Princeton Prospect Foundation.

*Available on Amazon, and the PU Store and Labyrinth Books in Princeton.


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Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.