Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities

This committee strives to organize and host events that appeal to a wide range of Princeton alumni. (More)

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Princeton Alumni Angels Inaugural Virtual Pitch Event




Join for Princeton Alumni Angels'


Inaugural  Virtual Pitch Event


Thursday, April 23rd @ 6:30pm EDT








Princeton Alumni Angels (PAA) is proud to roll out our inaugural virtual pitch event on April 23!  You'll be able to engage with exciting startups where ever you are and we can all maintain required physical distancing protocols.

Once again, PAA received more than 100 applications!  More than 60 alumni volunteer screeners from both coasts -- and points in-between -- played a role in the review process.

Moving to a virtual format allows us to respond to one of the most consistent bits of feedback -- PAA doesn't offer enough companies to the opportunity to pitch.

So we selected 12 high-potential companies and, in addition to our April 23rd event, we will hold pitch events on May 20th and June 18th.  Each pitch event will feature four exciting and innovative startups and each event will have a unique theme to ensure we have a great breadth of strong companies.

Like other pitch nights, these events will be limited to accredited investors.


We encourage all Princetonians with an interest in entrepreneurship and innovation to join for the virtual pitch event, where ever you reside!

Register NOW for the April 23 virtual pitch event.  More details are on the Eventbrite registration page.



RSVP HERE NOW and take advantage of special early bird pricing of $30 through Sunday April 19th.  The full price is $40.




PA of New York City

c/o Alumni Affairs, Princeton University


Princeton, New Jersey  08540

United States of America

Related Events

Princeton Alumni Angel's Virtual Pitch Event ( Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM )
Location: Virtual
Organized by: PANYC and PAA

Posted by tmswift almost 5 years ago.


April 2020 Propeller








Please Join Us for Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres

Wherever You Are

Speaker: Andrew Voros, CEO, PrevenTive Conservation, LLC
Topic:  Photocatalysis & Pandemics: Bringing to Light a New Approach

Photocatalytic oxidation is a light-driven process that dismantles organic molecules on treated surfaces. These include human respiratory hazards caused by combustion and those of biologic origin. While standard treatments of chlorine, peroxides and ammonia kill coronavirus on surfaces, the disinfection lasts only until the next person contaminates it. The CDC has recently determined that an optimized oxidizing agent effective on MRSA and other iatrogenic diseases is also effective on COVID-19.  Andrew will discuss these technologies, the science behind them, and the stabilized chlorine dioxide application that his company is making commercially available in the next 30–90 days. 

In keeping with pandemic-generated distancing protocols, PA3 and Quadrangle Club are pleased to bring you our first “online Propeller.” So, fasten your intellectual seat belts, pour a libation and toast to loved ones & learning --- even in the midst of perplexity. 

This video will be posted online as soon as available.  To ensure that you receive notice of that posting, please register here.  For information about Propellers generally, please visit

Related Events

April Princeton Propellers ( Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM )
Location: Online, Date TBD
Cost: Free, Donations Gratefully Accepted
Organized by: Princeton Area Alumni Association

Posted by frankederby almost 5 years ago.


Virtual Tiger Talk: "From Corporate to Entrepreneur...and What Now?"


TigerTalks Digital:

From Corporate to Entrepreneur...and What Now?


 A Virtual TigerTalks on Thursday, April 2nd at 5:00pm EDT


The Princeton Association of New York City (PANYC) and the Princeton Alumni Angels of Greater New York (PAAGNY) are proud to co-sponsor the first edition of TigerTalks Digital, the same great programming in a virtual format.

 Princeton Entrepreneurship Council (PEC) is pleased to announce the first edition of TigerTalks Digital that will feature several wonderful Princeton black alumni discussing their entrepreneurial journeys.  The panelists will share their thoughts and insights on the topic: “From Corporate to Entrepreneur.. and Now What?”

 This online event is scheduled for Thursday, April 2, at 5:00 pm EDT.

 This online panel discussion was originally scheduled as a live event and will now be presented virtually.  As such, we are inviting alumni regardless of their geographic location to join us, gain insights from other entrepreneurially-minded alumni, and interact with the panelists and each other in a live Q&A period that will take place following the panel discussion.

 For more information and to register, please CLICK HERE.

 We look forward to having you join us. Until then, please stay healthy.


Related Events

Virtual Tiger Talk: "From Corporate to Entrepreneur...and What Now? ( Thursday, April 2, 2020 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM )
Location: Virtual
Organized by: PANYC and PAAGNY

Posted by tmswift almost 5 years ago.


PA3/PWN Virtual Book Club: Friendship

March 29, 2020 - The PA3 and PWN of Princeton book clubs are joining forces to bring you a special discussion of Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond with the book's author, Lydia Denworth '88 S87. The book, which was selected well before we found ourselves in the midst of a pandemic, takes on a new significance in this time of social distancing.

The discussion will take place via Zoom on Thursday, April 30 from 7:00-8:00 p.m.

If you would like to take part in this special author event, please email to request the Zoom link. In the spirit of friendship, you are welcome to invite a friend to join in the discussion; please just let us know so we'll have an idea of how many people to expect. 

To support a local retailer in these challenging times, participants are encouraged to purchase the book from Labyrinth Books in Princeton, which has generously agreed to extend a 10% discount and free shipping for this book if you order by phone (Tuesday-Saturday 11:00-4:00, 609-497-1600 x1). Labyrinth member discounts apply on both phone and online orders, as long as you use the email address associated with your membership. 

Related Events

PA3/PWN Book Club: Friendship ( Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: via Zoom

Posted by Arlen almost 5 years ago.


Special Lecture: COVID-19

Understanding the Science Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic – Critical Information to Make Informed Decisions

A special lecture by James (Jaime) Martiney '85 P'14

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

7:00-8:15 p.m. EDT via Zoom


James (Jaime) Martiney '85 P14 earned his BA in Biology from Princeton and PhD in Experimental Pathology from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Jaime has 30+ years of experience teaching STEM-related graduate-level, upper-level and intro-level courses for science, pre-health career, and non-science majors. Jaime served for fourteen years in the United States Navy Reserves, Medical Service Corps, achieving the rank of Lieutenant Commander, where he trained to strategically prepare and respond to biological warfare events, global pandemics and disaster preparedness. He was activated to Active Duty in 2003 and became a veteran during the Iraqi Freedom operations.

 His military training and duties included:

  • Fleet Biological Warfare Agent Detection for Navy Environmental and Preventative Medicine Personnel – Biological Defense Research Directorate, USAMRIID
  • Medical Management of Chemical and Biologic Warfare Injuries – US Navy
  • CBRNE (Chemical Biological RadioNuclearExplosive event Wargame Exercises – Several, US Navy

He currently serves on the board of Association of Latino Princeton Alumni (ALPA) and regularly attends as many PA3 events as he can, including the book club.


Related Events

Special Lecture: COVID-19 ( Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM )

Posted by Arlen almost 5 years ago.
