PWN Wine Tasting
PWN of the Princeton Area
Invites local alumnae to a
Wine Tasting
Please join the Princeton Women’s Network of the Princeton Area for an
Afternoon Wine Tasting
Sunday, November 17, 4-6 pm
Mark Censits from CoolVines will be running the tasting featuring women winemakers and wines that would be good for the holiday season. Connect with area alumnae, continue She Roars conversations, and learn more about wine! Light refreshments—cheese tray and sweet treats— will also be provided.
Location: Hosted by Anne Trevisan ’86 at her home on Hamilton Avenue in downtown Princeton, details provided after RSVP. Street parking is available.
Tickets: $20 per person. Register using the PayPal link below.
The event is capped at 25 attendees, due to space limitations. Please register by Tuesday, November 12.
Contact Diane at with any questions.
Please use the Google form to provide your preferred contact information:
Please use the PayPal button below to register. The cost is $20 per person.
Related Events
PWN Wine Tasting - Will be rescheduled (
Sunday, November 17, 2019 - 4:00 PM to
6:00 PM
Update: This will be rescheduled for after the holidays.
Location: This will be rescheduled for after the holidays.
Posted by dhasling about 5 years ago.
PWN and Women's Basketball Game
PWN and Women’s Basketball
Join the Princeton Women’s Network of the Princeton Area in supporting
Princeton Women’s Basketball at the
Season Opening Game
November 5, 2019
In the spirit of She Roars On, please join us for a rousing salute to the Princeton Women’s Basketball Team by cheering them on from the PWN section in the renovated Jadwin Gym. The event is open to all PA3 area alumni. Tickets are available to PWN members/area alumnae at no cost through a She Roars On grant. Alumni and family members may order tickets at the group rate. Let’s make this one of our signature events and maybe a season long adventure. We know the Women’s Basketball Team will really appreciate our cheer as we support them with their new coach and recall the inspiring talk at the She Roars lunch last year!
Date: Tuesday, November 5, Princeton vs. Rider, meet by 6:45, game starts at 7 pm.
Location: Jadwin Gym
Tickets: Alumnae will be covered through a She Roars On grant. Additional tickets for alumni and family members are $5 each. Please register for a free alumna ticket via the Google form link below, purchase additional tickets using the PayPal link below.
Contact Marguerite at with any questions.
Register for free alumna ticket via Google form:
Please use the PayPal link below for additional tickets (group rate of $5):
Related Events
PWN and Women's Basketball Game (
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 - 7:00 PM to
9:00 PM
Location: Jadwin Gym
Posted by dhasling about 5 years ago.
Curatorial Tour of "Gutenberg and After"
Curatorial Tour of "Gutenberg & After" at Firestone Library.
Wednesday November 13, 2019; 6 to 8 pm at the Milberg Gallery; Firestone Library.
Wine and Cheese will be served. Free to PA3 dues-paying members and one guest per member
Bibliophile and philanthropist William H. Scheide '36 bequeathed to Princeton his rare book library, including one of the world's greatest collections of early European printing. Today, a new exhibition opens in the Ellen and Leonard Milberg Gallery, “Gutenberg & After: Europe’s First Printers 1450-1470,” showcasing the Scheide collection alongside treasures borrowed from nine leading institutions in the United Kingdom and North America.
The exhibition tells the story of the two decades that transformed text production and distribution across Europe. It is the first exhibition to focus on the inaugural years of the spread of printing.
The cornerstones of the exhibition are the Gutenberg Bible of 1455 and the 1457 Mainz Psalter, both from the Scheide Library. These two earliest datable printed books are contextualized by a careful selection of other early European printing that documents both Mainz printing even earlier than the Gutenberg Bible, and the spread of printing to other towns, including Strasbourg, Bamberg, Rome, Venice, and Paris.
More information about this unique exhibit:
PUL's new exhibition "Gutenberg & After" showcases rare collections on early European printing from Scheide Library and nine other institutions
Related Events
Curatorial Tour of "Gutenberg and After" (
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 6:00 PM to
8:00 PM
Location: Milberg Gallery; Firestone Library
Cost: Free
Posted by vsevolod about 5 years ago.
2019 Annual Dinner and Meeting
Annual Dinner and Meeting
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
from 6 to 9 p.m.
at Springdale Golf Club in Princeton
PA3 is pleased and honored
to welcome
Rodney D. Priestley
Vice Dean for Innovation, Office of Dean of Research
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Associate Director of Princeton Center for Complex Materials
Princeton University
Professor Priestley will discuss:
"Creating the Future:
Innovation at Princeton"
6pm - Registration & Reception
7pm - Dinner
including the 2019 Annual Meeting, Election of Officers and a Director, and Volunteer of the Year Award
8pm - Presentation
~~~ Festive Orange + Black Attire is encouraged ~~~
Dinner tickets:
$80/person - Dues-paying members and a guest, EACH
$95/person - others
Registrations must be received no later than
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
PayPal registration link below
Contact Arlen at with questions
Thank you
The Bank of Princeton
for your generous sponsorship
of our celebration!
Springdale Golf Club
1895 Clubhouse Drive, Princeton, NJ. 08540
(609) 921-8790
NJ ABC Permit #76797
(Registration for this event has closed.)
Related Events
Annual Meeting & Dinner (
Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 6:00 PM to
9:00 PM
Please make your reservations by October 30.
Location: Springdale Golf Club
Posted by frankederby over 5 years ago.
PA3 Book Club: November 21, 2019
September 29, 2019 - The PA3 book club will meet on Thursday, November 21, from 7-8:30 pm in East Pyne 111. (Thanksgiving falls on the last Thursday of November, so we'll be meeting a week earlier.) Our selection is:
Working, by Robert Caro '57 (see also this PAW story)
The PA3 book club meets on the last Thursday evening of each month (except July, August & December) from 7-8:30, usually in East Pyne or Frist. Selections alternate, with occasional exceptions, between fiction and non-fiction, and the authors or books typically have a Princeton connection. Book club meetings are open to all PA3 members and their spouses/partners, and no RSVP is needed.
A list of book club selections can be found at
Related Events
Book Club: Working (
Thursday, November 21, 2019 - 7:00 PM to
8:30 PM
Location: East Pyne 111
Posted by Arlen over 5 years ago.