Princeton Area Alumni Association

Post: PWN Wine Tasting

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PWN Wine Tasting

PWN of the Princeton Area
Invites local alumnae to a
Wine Tasting


Please join the Princeton Women’s Network of the Princeton Area for an
Afternoon Wine Tasting
Sunday, November 17, 4-6 pm


Mark Censits from CoolVines will be running the tasting featuring women winemakers and wines that would be good for the holiday season.  Connect with area alumnae, continue She Roars conversations, and learn more about wine! Light refreshments—cheese tray and sweet treats— will also be provided.


Location:  Hosted by Anne Trevisan ’86 at her home on Hamilton Avenue in downtown Princeton, details provided after RSVP.  Street parking is available.

Tickets: $20 per person.  Register using the PayPal link below.

The event is capped at 25 attendees, due to space limitations.  Please register by Tuesday, November 12. 


Contact Diane at with any questions.

Please use the Google form to provide your preferred contact information:

Please use the PayPal button below to register. The cost is $20 per person.


Your name, class, and email
Related Events

PWN Wine Tasting - Will be rescheduled ( Sunday, November 17, 2019 - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM )

Update: This will be rescheduled for after the holidays.

Location: This will be rescheduled for after the holidays.

Posted by dhasling over 5 years ago.