First Friday Lunch - Jason McSheene of Molecular Biology
PA3 welcomed Jason McSheene, a PhD candidate in the Molecular Biology department at our First Friday lunch at the Nassau Club on April 5th, 2013. The group was riveted by Jason's description of, among other things, the development of the zebrafish embryo. To get a sense of how this development looks, Jason recommended watching He also described for the group the importance of the Nodal gene and how it is expressed in left-right patterning. The following schematic provides more detail. also mentioned Professor Bonnie Bassler's fascinating work and suggested watching her TED Talk on bacterial communication at .
What a wonderful and interesting luncheon!
Posted by lydia almost 12 years ago.
First Friday Lunch - Jon Guddmunsson, PhD Candidate in Physics will discuss Planck Mission findings
Join us for First Fridays, a monthly recurring event for undergraduate and graduate Princeton alumni, graduate students, and parents. On the first Friday of each month, area alumni and their guests will meet to enjoy a prix fixe luncheon buffet at the Nassau Club in downtown Princeton. As a special bonus for PA3, a Princeton University PhD candidate will present his/her work to the group in this informal setting. Topics vary monthly and are always interesting!This month, we will be joined by Jon Gudmundsson, a fifth year graduate student in the Department of Physics. Jon will talk with us about the recent cosmological results from the Planck Mission, an experiment designed to study the cosmic microwave background radiation of the universe, namely the relic radiation from the big bang. The data reveal the structure of the universe over a vast range of angular scales and frequencies and have opened new avenues of research for astrophysicists. Jon will discuss what we have learned from the Planck data and will describe ongoing efforts in the field. Read this NY Times article for more information on the Planck Mission.

Specially priced at $25/person (or $30 if you choose not to pay PA3's annual dues), lunch includes the Nassau Club’s full buffet as well as a complementary beverage (wine, beer, soft drink). Pre-registration is required.
>> Looking forward to seeing your orange and black! <<Date: Friday, May 3rd, 2013Time: 12 noon - 2 pmLocation: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton, NJNassau Club membership is not necessary to attend this event.
For more information, contact Lydia Zaininger '83.
Related Events
First Friday Lunch (
Friday, May 3, 2013 - 12:00 PM to
2:00 PM
Jon Gudmundsson, Fifth year graduate student in the Department of Physics, will discuss recent findings of the Planck Mission.
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton
Cost: $25 dues-paying members; $30 others
Organized by: PA3
Posted by lydia almost 12 years ago.
PA3 Wins ACE Award for Excellence in Communication
The Princeton Area Alumni Association won the Alumni Council's ACE Award for Excellence in Communication!
Pictured below are Henry Von Kohorn '66, President of the Alumni Association, Sara Hastings '09, PA3's secretary, and Daniel Hayes-Patterson '09, PA3's technology chair.
The full write up of the award is as follows:
To the Princeton Area Alumni Association
It was 2008. The Princeton Area Alumni Association (PA3) had lain dormant for ten years. General consensus was that with the University and its manifold attractions in the backyard, Princeton-area alumni didn’t need an active organization to bring them together. And trying to persuade them otherwise involved a mass communication plan that was unsustainable. The PA3 was doomed.
Not so, believed a hardy band who were undaunted. Yes, a solid communications plan was essential to inform and engage area alumni. And now it was doable, with new technologies at hand. A simple blog-style website was created; a monthly broadcast e-newsletter was initiated; Facebook, and later Twitter, were added to the arsenal.
Communication was re-established, was effective, and yet somehow lacked energy. Enter the dynamic duo of Dan Hayes-Patterson ’09 and fiancee Sara Hastings ’09. In 2011, Dan was elected PA3’s Technology Chair and Sara its Secretary. The communications “dream team” was born.
Computer programmer Dan created a dynamic website so easy to use that even “non-techies” could post content with ease and with automatic prompts to post on Facebook and Twitter. Each page has a “Share” button. A multi-pronged communications approach came alive.
Sara oversees the content of communications, and the new website’s homepage reveals the wealth of material now generated. Information about community service, social activities, and careers. News and networking. Photos and fun. E-newsletters link to the site and the site in turn archives the e-newsletters. With PayPal, registering for events or ordering a PA3 t-shirt is just a click away. No surprise that website visits increased over 100% in a same-period comparison between 2011 and 2012, and dues paying membership has grown.
Through its revitalized communications, anchored by a dynamic website, and with its many opportunities for fellowship, the PA3 serves as a welcome companion not competitor to the best old place of all. The University benefits right along with the PA3’s membership of undergraduate and graduate alumni, parents of current and former students, and surviving partners of alumni. We are delighted to award the Princeton Area Alumni Association with the Alumni Council’s ACE Award for excellence in communications.
Alumni Council Alumni Relations & Communications Committee
Presented on 23 April 2013
Posted by Dan almost 12 years ago.
Private Tour: A Republic in the Wilderness
PA3 members are invited to a private curatorial tour of the upcoming exhibit at Firestone Library, on Tuesday 16 April 2013, from 5:45 to 7:00 PM at the Milberg Gallery in Firestone Library.
Tour, hosted by Assistant Curator of Manuscripts Anna Chen, begins at 6; wine will be served. Cost: Free to PA3 members.
RSVP to to reserve a spot.
February 22, 2013 through August 4, 2013
A Republic in the Wilderness:
Treasures of American History from Jamestown to Appomattox
Celebrates the people and events that created an enduring political union and shaped the American experience, beginning with early English settlement and contact with the native peoples, and then tracing the growth of the American nation to the end of the Civil War, against the background of evolving natural and built environments. The exhibition features some of Princeton's finest holdings of American historical manuscripts, autograph letters, rare books, maps, broadsides, prints, photographs, and other original materials preserved in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections and the Scheide Library.
Related Events
Private Curatorial Tour: "A Republic in the Wilderness" @ Firestone Library (
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - 5:45 PM to
7:00 PM
PA3 members are invited to a private curatorial tour of the upcoming exhibit at Firestone Library, on Tuesday 16 April 2013, from 5:45 to 7:00 PM at the Milberg Gallery in Firestone Library.
Tour, hosted by Assistant Curator of Manuscripts Anna Chen, begins at 6; wine will be served. Cost: Free to PA3 members.
RSVP to to reserve a spot.
February 22, 2013 through August 4, 2013
A Republic in the Wilderness:
Treasures of American History from Jamestown to Appomattox
Celebrates the people and events that created an enduring political union and shaped the American experience, beginning with early English settlement and contact with the native peoples, and then tracing the growth of the American nation to the end of the Civil War, against the background of evolving natural and built environments. The exhibition features some of Princeton's finest holdings of American historical manuscripts, autograph letters, rare books, maps, broadsides, prints, photographs, and other original materials preserved in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections and the Scheide Library.
Location: First Floor, Harvey S. Firestone Library, Princeton University, One Washington Road, Princeton, NJ.
Cost: Free to members
Organized by: PA3 and Friends of the Princeton University Library
Posted by vsevolod almost 12 years ago.
First Friday Lunch Series
PA3 is proud to present this roster of past
First Friday Luncheons at the Nassau Club
We sincerely thank our guest speakers for making this series so enjoyable!
- 2020: Sarah Hutter Wilterson [PhD candidate Psychology] "Adult learning of skilled movement"
- 2020: Robbie LeDesma [PhD candidate Molecular Biology] "Viruses and the human immune system"
- 2019: Rachit Dubey [PhD candidate Computer Science] "Towards a better understanding of curiosity"
- 2019: Becca Napolitano [PhD candidate Civil Engineering] "Old buildings, new techniques"
- 2019: Joel Finkelstein *18 [Psychology] "Hate and extremism on social media"
- 2018: Lt. Johnathan Falcone [Master in Public Affairs candidate Woodrow Wilson School] "Reflections of an active duty Surface Warfare Officer in the US Navy"
- 2018: Kris Pardo [PhD candidate Astrophysical Sciences] "Constraining theories using gravitational wave event data"
- 2018: Mai Nguyen [PhD candidate Psychology] "How we represent complex information in the brain over time"
- 2018: Eda Yetim [M Arch candidate] "Spatialized ornaments into three dimensional landscapes"
- 2018: John Parton '18 [Woodrew Wilson School] "Recusal failure among district court judges"
- 2018: Mayank Misra [PhD candidate - Woodrew Wilson School] "Socio-ecological systems"
- 2018: Nicholas M. Risteen [PhD candidate - Architecture] "After the Disaster: Architecture and Emergency in Extraordinary Time"
- 2018: DongWon Oh [PhD candidate - Psychology] "Gender bias in facial impressions"
- Eric M. Glover [PhD Candidate - English] "Musicals of Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston"
- Andrew Ledford [PhD Candidate - Sociology] "Political Islam"
- Shilpa Nadimpali Kobren [PhD Candidate - Computer Science] "Computational Biology"
- Michael Hepler [PhD Candidate - MAE] "Science and Global Security"
- Adam Lerner [PhD Candidate - Philosophy] "Empathy"
- James A. Smith [PhD Candidate - Geosciences] "Dataset Formats for Seismology"
- Alex Rodnyansky [PhD Candidate - Economics] "Quantitative Easing & Bank Lending"
- Carlee Joe-Wong [PhD Candidate - Applied/Computational Math] "Computer Networking"
- Julie Whittaker [PhD Candidate - WWS] "Jordanian Refugee Camp for Syrians"
- Rajesh Ranganath [PhD Candidate - Computer Science] "Machine Learning"
- Garner Soltes [PhD Candidate - Molecular Biology] " Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance"
- Chris Brinton [ PhD Candidate - Electrical Engineering] "Online Learning"
- Charles Ganoe '51 - "Travels in North Korea"
- Heather Butts '94 - "African American Medicine in Civil War DC"
- Leslie Ribovich [PhD Candidate - Religion] "Public School Education & Morality"
- Brittney Edmonds [PhD Candidate - English] "Commodity Status of Afro-American Slaves"
- Greg Owen '15 - Founder Princeton Institute for Chocolate Studies
- Mazell Tetruashvily [graduate student - Molecular Biology] "Neuromuscular Junction"
- Joel Rozen [PhD Candidate - Anthropology] "Entrepreneurship in Tunisia"
- Jane Manners [Graduate Student - History] "Federal Bailouts"
- Bryn Rosenfeld [PhD Candidate- Politics] "Autocracies and the Middle Class"
- Joshua Spechler [PhD Candidate - Electrical Engineering] "Flexible Electronics"
- Doyle K. Hodges [PhD Student - Woodrow Wilson School] "Democratic Civil-Military Relations "
- Andrew Ledford [PhD Student - Sociology] "Iranian Studies"
- Ian Hogue [Post Doctoral Fellow - Molecular Biology] "Virus Transport and Spread"
- In Song Kim [PhD Candidate - Politics Dept] "Incentives for Trade Liberalization"
- Nimisha Barton [PhD Candidate - History Dept] "Gender and Immigration in 1900's France"
- Friederike Funk [PhD student - Psychology Dept] "Social Psychology of Punishment"
- Jeffrey Parker [PhD Candidate - PPPL] "Turbulence of Plasmas"
- Ryan Harper [2013 PhD - Religion Dept] "Gospel Music and American Evangelicalism"
- Andrew Ledford [PhD Student - Sociology] "Iranian Studies"
- Matthew Howard [PhD Candidate - Molecular Biology Dept] "Brain Study using Viruses"
- Andrew Lieu '06 [friend of PA3] "Thoughts on the Financial Markets"
- Andra Geana [PhD Candidate - Psychology Dept] "Risk and Ambiguity in Human Decision-Making"
- Jason McSheene [PhD Candidate - Molecular Biology Dept] "Left-Right Patterning in Embryos"
- Jim Steichen [PhD Candidate - Dept of Music] "George Balanchine"
- Kate Neal [PhD Candidate - Dept of Music] "New Ideas in Music"
- Nadezhda Savova [PhD - Dept of Anthropology] "International Bread Houses
- Jamol Pender [PhD Candidate - Engineering School/ORFE] “Queueing Theory"
- Allan Doyle [PhD candidate – Art & Archaeology] “ Michaelangelo’s Afterlife in French Art”
- Ismaiel Yakub [2012 PhD – Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering] “Bee Home – Sustainable Building/Temporary Housing"
- Darren Pais [PhD candidate – Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering] “Emergent Collective Behavior of Groups in Biology and in Robots”
- Julianne Werlin [PhD candidate – English] “Early Modern Utopian Literature”
- Josue Sanz-Robinson [PhD candidate – Electrical Engineering] “Flexible, Large-Area, Electronic Systems for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure”
- Michael Todd [PhD candidate – Neuroscience] “Limitations of Human Multitasking or Cognitive Flexibility
- Theodor Brasoveanu [PhD candidate – Physics] “Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapse”
- Sarah Fawcett [PhD candidate – Geosciences] “Ocean’s Biological Pump: Storage of Atmospheric CO2 Fixed as Biomass”
- Iain Watts [PhD candidate – History] “History of Galvanism, the now-vanished Science of Electricity”
- Cate Reilly [PhD candidate – Comparative Literature] “Teratology, Wax Anatomy and the Monstrous Text”
- Sarit Kattan Gribetz [PhD candidate – Religion] “History of Jews, Christians and Pagans in Antiquity”
- Taniecea Arceneaux [PhD candidate – Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics] “Resilience of Social Networks with Multiple Relations”
- Cate Reilly [PhD candidate – Comparative Literature] “Rilke and Chekov: Translation and (Play)giarism”
- Wenzhe Cao [PhD candidate – Electrical Engineering] “Digital Skin: Electrodes that Retain Electrical Functionality under Large Mechanical Deformation”
- Taylor Behmke [2011] “Food Justice Foundation”
- Sushoban Avasthi [PhD candidate – Electrical Engineering] “Solar Cells
- Sunny Khemlani [PhD candidate – Psychology] “How We Reason: Systemic Illusions when Drawing Inferences”
- Mike North [PhD candidate – Psychology] “Ageism (Age Based Prejudice) from an Intergenerational Perspective”
- Ankit Panda – [2012 undergrad - WWS] “Undergraduate Life”
PA3 also expresses its gratitude to the Graduate School for its support and to the Nassau Club for its professionalism and graceful hosting of our events.
Posted by lydia almost 12 years ago.