Princeton Area Alumni Association

Careers & Networking

This committee conducts career networking events aimed at connecting alumni to each other, to students, and to the... (More)

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Alumni Needed to Become Princeternship Hosts

Register Now to Become a Princeternship Host

Three sessions available in 2014: January 6-10; January 27-31; March 17-21

The Princeternship program is an opportunity for alumni to host current students at their workplace for a one- to three-day externship experience to give them a “day in the life” perspective of your career, industry, and/or organization. This might include student participation in meetings, shadowing, demonstrations, Q&A sessions, case studies, and/or tours.

Visit for more information about the program, how to register, upcoming deadlines, and to read student blogs. 

Please contact Rachel Jimenez, Assistant Director of Student/Alumni Engagement, at with any questions.

Posted by Princeton AAA over 11 years ago.


Alumni Connections Student Networking Event

The Office of Career Services at Princeton University – An Invitation to Alumni

Attend the Alumni Connections Student Networking Event

Wednesday, November 13, 6-8 p.m., Prospect House (refreshments provided)

Connecting with alumni is a great way for students to develop a greater understanding of the broad range of opportunities and career paths available to all majors. Hearing personal stories from alumni about the degree to which their major in­fluenced (or didn’t infl­uence) their career choices is helpful as students explore the relationship between majors and careers. If you are able to join us for this event, please register by Monday, October 28 at For more information, please e-mail Beverly Hamilton-Chandler, Director of Career Services, at

Related Events

Alumni Connections Student Networking Event ( Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Prospect House
Organized by: PU Career Services

Posted by Princeton AAA over 11 years ago.


Intro to Marketing with Rod McNealy `72 September 21, 2013

Alumni, graduate students, and friends are invited to...

$10 for alumni and friends.  RSVP with PayPal below.
Current Princeton students (grad and undergrad) are free. RSVP to Career Services:

Related Events

Intro to Marketing ( Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM )
Location: Princeton University
Cost: $10 for alumni

Posted by Princeton AAA over 11 years ago.


Summer in Princeton Career Networking Reception

All Grad and Undergrad Alumni are invited to a Summer in Princeton Undergraduate Student/Alumni Reception!

Date & Time: Tuesday, June 18 from 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: Princeton University, Carl A. Fields Center, 58 Prospect Avenue
What: at least 10-15 alumni needed

Careers: Arts & Entertainment, Architecture, Communications, Consulting, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Fashion, Finance, Government, Law, Manufacturing, Marketing,  Medicine/Healthcare, Non-Profit & NGO, Real Estate, Science & Technology, Sports and more
Our aim is to break into small groups by industry. The goal is to provoke broad discussions about the vast career choices available to Princeton students, and exposure to the diversity of people in them.
Satomi Chudasama from Career Services and  Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman, '81 would like to invite each of you to join the discussion and remain afterwards for our reception.
Please let me know if you can be available for this event. 

Please RSVP to me with your brief bio by Wednesday June 12, 2012.
Many thanks in advance for your participation.
Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman ’81 
Princeton Area Alumni Association 
Chair Student Liaison Committee

Related Events

Student-Alumni Networking Reception ( Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM )
Location: Carl Fields Center, Princeton U
Cost: Free
Organized by: Career Services & PA3

Posted by Princeton AAA over 11 years ago.


First Friday Lunch - Jon Guddmunsson, PhD Candidate in Physics will discuss Planck Mission findings

Join us for First Fridays, a monthly recurring event for undergraduate and graduate Princeton alumni, graduate students, and parents.  On the first Friday of each month, area alumni and their guests will meet to enjoy a prix fixe luncheon buffet at the Nassau Club in downtown Princeton.  As a special bonus for PA3, a Princeton University PhD candidate will present his/her work to the group in this informal setting.  Topics vary monthly and are always interesting!

This month, we will be joined by Jon Gudmundsson, a fifth year graduate student in the Department of Physics.  Jon will talk with us about the recent cosmological results from the Planck Mission, an experiment designed to study the cosmic microwave background radiation of the universe, namely the relic radiation from the big bang.  The data reveal the structure of the universe over a vast range of angular scales and frequencies and have opened new avenues of research for astrophysicists.  Jon will discuss what we have learned from the Planck data and will describe ongoing efforts in the field.  Read this NY Times article for more information on the Planck Mission.

Specially priced at $25/person (or $30 if you choose not to pay PA3's annual dues), lunch includes the Nassau Club’s full buffet as well as a complementary beverage (wine, beer, soft drink). Pre-registration is required.

>> Looking forward to seeing your orange and black! <<

Date: Friday, May 3rd, 2013
Time: 12 noon - 2 pm
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton, NJ
Nassau Club membership is not necessary to attend this event.

For more information, contact Lydia Zaininger '83.

Lunch Reservation
Nassauclubphoto Planck Jongudmundsson
Related Events

First Friday Lunch ( Friday, May 3, 2013 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM )

Jon Gudmundsson, Fifth year graduate student in the Department of Physics, will discuss recent findings of the Planck Mission.

Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton
Cost: $25 dues-paying members; $30 others
Organized by: PA3

Posted by lydia almost 12 years ago.
