Princeton Area Alumni Association

Graduate Alumni

The Graduate Alumni Committee, which was formed in 2010, works to reconnect Princeton area graduate alumni with the... (More)

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An Evening with Prof. Bonnie Bassler - Tuesday May 17th, 2016

PA3 Invites You to Join Our Special Guest

Bonnie L. Bassler
Squibb Professor in Molecular Biology
Chair, Department of Molecular Biology

For a Stimulating Discussion of her Recent research

Professor Bonnie L. Bassler, Princeton University

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
6pm, Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton

Please join us
for an evening of discussion
with wine and hors d'oeuvres

Don't miss this rare opportunity to engage with Princeton superstar Bonnie Bassler, whose lab is doing vanguard research in Molecular Biology.  
Learn more about Bonnie Bassler prior to our May 17th event, by viewing her TED Talk (click 

Please register with Paypal below
$25/person (dues paying members) - $30/person (others)

Questions? Contact Matt Howard *14 or Lydia Zaininger '83 at  

Related Events

Bonnie Bassler Event ( Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Nassau Club, Princeton

Posted by Princeton AAA almost 9 years ago.


First Friday Lunch - March 4th, 2016

Join us for First Fridays, a monthly recurring event for undergraduate and graduate Princeton alumni, graduate students, and parents.  On the first Friday of each month, area alumni and their guests will meet to enjoy a prix fixe luncheon at the Nassau Club in downtown Princeton.  As a special bonus for PA3, a Princeton University PhD candidate will present his/her work to the group in this informal setting.  Topics vary monthly and are always interesting!  Have a look at our impressive roster of previous luncheons.

Rajesh Ranganath
On Friday, March 4th, 2016, we will be joined by Rajesh Ranganath, a PhD Candidate in the Computer Science Department.  Rajesh writes "I am a PhD student in machine learning working with David Blei. My primary interests are probabilistic modeling, approximate inference, Bayesian nonparametric statistics, and their applications to medicine and biology.  Previously, I worked with Andrew Ng at SAIL on deep learning and Dan Jurafsky as part of theStanford NLP group on detecting human social intentions from conversations."

As always, there is sure to be a lively discussion! Please join us.

Specially priced at $25/person (or $30 if you choose not to pay PA3's annual dues), lunch includes three courses, a complementary beverage (wine, beer, soft drink) and coffee/tea. Pre-registration is preferred.

>> Looking forward to seeing your orange and black! <<

Date: Friday, March 4th, 2016
Time: 12 noon - 2 pm
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton, NJ
Nassau Club membership is not necessary to attend this event.
Dress is business casual.

Lunch Reservation
Related Events

First Friday Lunch ( Friday, March 4, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM )

Rajesh Ranganath, PhD Candidate in Computer Science and winner of prestigious Jacobus Fellowship, will discuss machine learning.

Location: Nassau Club, Princeton
Cost: $25/dues paying mbr; $30 others
Organized by: PA3

Posted by Princeton AAA about 9 years ago.


First Friday Lunch - January 8th, 2016

Join us for First Fridays, a monthly recurring event for undergraduate and graduate Princeton alumni, graduate students, and parents.  On the first Friday of each month, area alumni and their guests will meet to enjoy a prix fixe luncheon at the Nassau Club in downtown Princeton.  As a special bonus for PA3, a Princeton University PhD candidate will present his/her work to the group in this informal setting.  Topics vary monthly and are always interesting!  Have a look at our impressive roster of previous luncheons.

On Friday, January 8th, 2016, we will be joined by Carlee Joe-Wong, a PhDCarlee Joe-Wong Candidate in the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics.  Carlee's work focuses primarily on mathematical and economic aspects of computer networking and she is particularly interested in applying theoretical insights to practical system deployments.  Her doctoral work is partially supported by the NDSEG and Jacobus Fellowships.  Carlee is co-founder of startup company DataMi, which grew out of her Smart Data Pricing research at Princeton.  The company's products are deployed by internet service providers around the world, including AT&T, Airtel and Orange

As always, there is sure to be a lively discussion! Please join us.

Specially priced at $25/person (or $30 if you choose not to pay PA3's annual dues), lunch includes three courses, a complementary beverage (wine, beer, soft drink) and coffee/tea. Pre-registration is preferred.

>> Looking forward to seeing your orange and black! <<

Date: Friday, January 8th, 2016
Time: 12 noon - 2 pm
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton, NJ
Nassau Club membership is not necessary to attend this event.
Dress is business casual.

Lunch Reservation
Related Events

First Friday Lunch ( Friday, January 8, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM )

Carlee Joe-Wong, PhD Candidate in the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Jacobus Fellowship awardee

Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton
Cost: $25 dues paying mbrs / $30 others
Organized by: PA3

Posted by lydia about 9 years ago.


Peter Lighte *81 "Host of Memories: Tales of Inevitable Happenstance"

PA3 is pleased to cooperate with Labyrinth Books in hosting

Peter Lighte *81, PhD in East Asian Studies

 for a reading of and conversation about his recent book.  

Join us for a fascinating evening!

Peter Lighte *81 — Host of Memories: Tales of Inevitable Happenstance
Thursday, November 19th, 2015 at 6PM — Labyrinth Books Princeton 

Labyrinth Books and PA3 invite you to a reading from and conversation about Peter Lighte's new collection of personal stories, which reveal just how powerfully one man's present has been shaped by the richness of his past.
More info on Labyrinth's website.

Following his parents' divorce in segregated pre-Castro Miami in the late 1950s, Peter Rupert Lighte moved with his fragile mother to New York City, where he was raised amidst a community of eccentric and loving relatives and friends. In Host of Memories, he shares tales of his early years as an awkward "only child"; his Jewish roots; his fortuitous encounters with Chinese culture; his embrace of sexuality; life in Beijing, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo; dreams of fatherhood; and much more. He ultimately finds his future husband--a distinguished English composer--and, together with their two adopted daughters, a sense of belonging.

Peter Rupert Lighte, a sinologist and founding chairman of J. P. Morgan Chase Bank China, is a banker who has also taught Chinese history and philosophy. He lived abroad for almost three decades, dividing his time between London and Asia. Lighte is on the boards of Half the Sky Foundation and the Council on International Educational Exchange. He is the author of --in addition to Host of Memories -- Pieces of China.

Related Events

Peter Lighte *81 "Host of Memories: Tales of Inevitable Happenstance" ( Thursday, November 19, 2015 - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM )

Join Labyrinth Books and PA3 for a reading by Peter Lighte *81 and a conversation with him about his new collection of personal stories.

Location: Labyrinth Books, 122 Nassau St, Princeton
Cost: Free
Organized by: Labyrinth Books & PA3

Posted by lydia over 9 years ago.


Diwali Lunch - Saturday November 7th, 2015

Image result for diwali

Come celebrate Diwali - Festival of Lights - with A4P and PA3

Your hosts: Neha Uberoi ’12, Archana Pradhan ’92, and Arka Mukherjee *95

*** Lunch includes full buffet menu plus mango lassi and chai  ***

Date: Saturday November 7th, 2015

Time: Noon

Location: Tandoori Bite, 36 Witherspoon St., Princeton NJ, 609.279.9700

Cost: $16/person (children under 6 free)
             Please bring cash or use Paypal

Please RSVP by Nov. 5th to: Mo Chen ’80,
Please indicate affiliation (class year, faculty, etc.), number of adults and children.

Related Events

Celebrate Diwali - Festival of Lights - with A4P & PA3 ( Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM )
Location: Tandoori Bite, 36 Witherspoon St, Princeton
Cost: $16/person (free: children under 6)
Organized by: A4P & PA3

Posted by lydia over 9 years ago.
