Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities

This committee strives to organize and host events that appeal to a wide range of Princeton alumni. (More)

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February 2019 Propeller









Please Join Us for Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres


6 P, TUESDAY, February 12th, 2019


George Powch, MIT ’69, Stanford *71 & HBS *73


CEO, VerLASE Technologies LLC


Color Technology Options in NextGen Smart Phones & Devices: 

A Case for MicroLED Displays”


Most of us spend hours each day, gazing at our gadgets – phones, pads & tablets, readers, computers, watches, VR headsets and AR glasses --- but when did you last consider actual aspects of the displays themselves, such as power consumption; image contrast, color quality and degradation issues that shorten device product life?  While OLED (organic light emitting diode)-based displays currently reign in these markets, inorganic microLED technology is poised to offer a smaller, flatter, less power-hungry alternative, once cost and manufacturing challenges are overcome. George Powch will describe this emerging technology and why it could change HOW we look at everything.


Registration Required via


NEXT PRINCETON PROPELLER:  Tuesday, March 12th (6 P)





Related Events

February Propellers (Second Tuesday) ( Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )

Location: Quadrangle Club, 33 Prospect Ave., Princeton, NJ 08544
Cost: Donations Gratefully Accepted
Organized by: PA3

Posted by Teegger about 6 years ago.


Helen Zia '73 Book Launch & Lunar New Year Buffet




Helen Zia '73 Book Launch


Pre-registration required, no later than Thursday, February 7, 2019

RSVP Mo Chen '80

Related Events

Helen Zia '73 Book Launch & Lunar New Year Buffet ( Saturday, February 9, 2019 - 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM )

Helen Zia 73 Book Launch & Lunar New Year Buffet
Chancellor Green Rotunda - Princeton University
Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton [A4P]
Program in American Studies
Program in Asian American Studies

Location: Chancellor Green Rotunda - Princeton University
Cost: FREE [pre-registration required]
Organized by: Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton [A4P]

Posted by lydia about 6 years ago.


Buck Gee speaks on "The Failure of Asian Success"


A4P and PA3 invite you 

to hear Buck Gee discuss

The Failure of Asian Success

Despite the fact that Asian Americans are the highest educated demographic, a new analysis of national EEOC data reveals that Asian American men and women reach management levels at rates lower than black, Hispanic, and white men or women.  Surprisingly, the analysis finds that racial factors appear to be more significant than gender in the “glass ceiling” for minority women.   More importantly, the analysis also shows that efforts to improve racial and gender representation in upper management has had little effect for all racial minorities.  These facts lead into a discussion as to why Asian American men and women are the least successful minority in moving from positions of knowledge to positions of power. This talk is based on Mr. Gee’s 2018 article in the Harvard Business Review.


Monday, January 7, 2019 - 4:30pm

Princeton University - Frist 210

We look forward to seeing you!

Please RSVP to Mo Chen ’80 at

Seating is limited.


Buck GeeBuck Gee is a former Silicon Valley executive and member of the Committee of 100. He received his BS/MSEE from Stanford and MBA from the Harvard Business School

Mr. Gee retired in 2008 from Cisco Systems, where he was Vice President and General Manager.  He joined Cisco with its 2004 acquisition of Andiamo Systems where Mr. Gee was President and CEO.  He has written extensively about the dearth of Asian American executives in Silicon Valley.  He has authored pieces for the Harvard Business Review, New York Times, USA Today, KQED public radio and San Jose Mercury News.

He is board president of the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation.  He also serves on the board of Ascend/Northern California and the advisory board of the Asia Society/Northern California.  He is a member of the Committee-of-100 and serves on its public policy committee.  His career spans 35 years in Silicon Valley. He has taught engineering courses at Stanford University and Howard University, and holds BSEE and MSEE degrees from Stanford University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.



Related Events

The Failure of Asian Success ( Monday, January 7, 2019 - 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM )

Buck Gee, businessman - investor - professor, will discuss why Asian American men and women are the least successful minority in moving from positions of knowledge to positions of power. Buck Gee is a former Silicon Valley executive and member of the Committee of 100. He received his BS/MSEE from Stanford and MBA from the Harvard Business School.

Location: Princeton University / Frist 210
Cost: Free/Registration Req'd - Seating is Limited
Organized by: A4P

Posted by lydia about 6 years ago.


Princeton Book Award

PA3's Princeton Book Award program, introduced in 2019, honors high school juniors in our region for overall academic excellence and exemplary community service or civic engagement.

The award will be made available at any eligible school selected by a dues-paying member who will confirm the school’s interest and identify a contact there (limit one school per year for regular dues-payers; two for Top Tigers). You might choose your own alma mater or child's high school, or a needy school in our area where talented students are less likely to receive recognition and support.

Award winners, who must be high school juniors, are selected by their schools. PA3 will provide each participating school with a book by a Princeton faculty or alumni author for presentation to the winner toward the end of the school year. 

For PA3 members interested in sponsoring a school in 2023If you are a dues-paying member of PA3 and would like to nominate a school to participate in the Princeton Book Award program, or if you have questions, please contact Tom Hastings ’79 at by April 15, 2023. You will be asked to confirm the school's interest in participating, and to provide the name and email address of a contact person there. (Not sure if you've paid your dues yet? Click here to check.)

For high schools interested in participating in 2023: If a Princeton alumnus/a offers to sponsor your school for a book award, you need only confirm your interest by April 15, 2023, and provide the name and email address of the staff member who will serve as the contact. You will receive a book by a Princeton faculty or alumni author, including a bookplate with a citation, during the spring. It is up to your school to select your award winner, a junior who will be recognized for "overall academic excellence and exemplary community service or civic engagement." You are free to present the award during your usual year-end award ceremony, or on any other occasion you choose.

Participating Schools, PA3 Sponsors, and Awardees, 2022
Ewing High School (Tom Swift '76)
The Hun School of Princeton (Ugur Koyluoglu *95) - Oliver Li
Montgomery High School (Frank Derby '84) - Diya Pingili
Notre Dame High School (George Bustin '70) - Rani Parikh

Peddie School (Rick Ober '65)
Princeton Day School (Rick Ober '65) - Jai Kasera
Princeton High School (Arlen Hastings '80) - Rowan Gilmore
Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart (Arlen Hastings '80) - Anna Landis
The Wilberforce School (Tamara Garaffa P20 P23) - Abigail Readlinger

Woodbridge High School (George Bustin '70) - Lauren Carter

Winners of the 2022 Book Award received copies of American Urbanist: How William H. Whyte's Unconventional Wisdom Reshaped Public Life, by Richard K. Rein '69.

Participating Schools, PA3 Sponsors, and Awardees, 2021
Ewing High School (George Bustin '70) - Naomi Garcia
Montgomery High School (Frank Derby '84) - Catherine Gonzalez
Notre Dame High School (George Bustin '70) - Raj Parikh
Princeton Day School (Rick Ober '65) - Lily Nyce

Princeton High School (Arlen Hastings '80) - Audrey Peel
Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart (Tamara Garaffa P20 P23) - Zihuizhong (Angelina) Ye

Trenton Central High School (Tom Hastings '79)
The Wilberforce School (Tamara Garaffa P20 P23) - Annie Whitman

Winners of the 2021 Book Award received copies of The Source of Self-Regard, by Professor Toni Morrison.

Participating Schools, PA3 Sponsors, and Awardees, 2020
Ewing High School (George Bustin '70) - Kylie King
Notre Dame High School (George Bustin '70) - Katherine Benjamin

The Wilberforce School (Julia Wilson '11) - Kathryn Tess Willett

Winners of the 2020 Book Award received copies of Information Wars, by Richard Stengel '77.

Participating Schools, PA3 Sponsors, and Awardees, 2019
Ewing High School (George Bustin '70) - Nathalia Davila
Notre Dame High School (George Bustin '70) - Zach Klein
Princeton Day School (Rick Ober '65) - Zayia Gandhi
Princeton High School (Arlen Hastings '80) - Jonathan Lin
The Wilberforce School (Tamara Garaffa P20 P23) - Calvin van Lleuwen

Winners of the 2019 Book Award received copies of Professor Paul Steinhardt's The Second Kind of Impossible.

Posted by Arlen about 6 years ago.


'First' Friday Lunch - January 11, 2019

Join us for First Fridays, a monthly recurring event for undergraduate and graduate Princeton alumni, graduate students, and parents.  On the first Friday of each month, area alumni and their guests will meet to enjoy a prix fixe luncheon at the Nassau Club in downtown Princeton.  As a special bonus for PA3, a Princeton University PhD candidate will present his/her work to the group in this informal setting.  Topics vary monthly and are always interesting!  Have a look at our impressive roster of previous luncheons

Esther Choi is a PhD candidate in the History and Theory of Architecture and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities at Princeton University. She received a Master of Arts in the History and Theory of Architecture from Princeton in 2014, and a Master in Design Studies from Harvard GSD in 2008. Her research interests center on the entanglements between architecture and the life sciences in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the intersections between artistic and architectural movements throughout the twentieth century. Her talk will focus on her dissertation, “The Organization of Life: Architecture, Art and the Life Sciences in Great Britain, 1929-1950,” which explores the exchanges that took place between scientists, architects, artists, and designers to reimagine Great Britain as a scientifically-ordered world after the economic crash of 1929. Spanning twenty years, four case studies organized according to evolutionary themes—natural selection, adaptation, heredity and mutation—revisit schemes that championed the belief that the human mind and behavior are thoroughly shaped by the environment.


Please join us.  As always, there is sure to be a lively discussion!


Specially priced at $25/person (or $30 if you choose not to pay PA3's annual dues), lunch includes three courses, a complementary soft drink and coffee/tea.

[**Wine/beer offered a la carte - select Enhanced Lunch Ticket**] 

*** NEW REGISTRATION RULES: Pre-registration is required, by 9am on the day of the luncheon.

>> Looking forward to seeing your orange and black! <<

Date: Friday, January 11, 2019
Time: 12 noon - 2 pm
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton, NJ
Nassau Club membership is not necessary to attend this event.
Dress is business casual.

First Friday Lunch Ticket
Related Events

First Friday Luncheon ( Friday, January 11, 2019 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM )
Location: Nassau Club, 6 Mercer St, Princeton
Cost: $25/person dues-paying mbrs; $30 others
Organized by: PA3

Posted by lydia about 6 years ago.
