Princeton Area Alumni Association

Student Liason: Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid

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Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid



Join us for the first 2021 installment of the A4P “Leadership: Mindsets and Pathways” Speaker Series: “Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid” on Tuesday, January 19th at 8 PM EST.

 This fascinating event spotlights these alumni physicians:

 Anita Gupta *18 - Anesthesiologist, Faculty at Johns Hopkins Medical School and FDA Advisory Member

Bon Ku *09 - Director, Health Design Lab and Professor of Emergency Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University

Audrey Li ‘13 - Clinical Fellow in Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School

 They will share their experiences as physicians during this challenging time and their perspectives as Asian Americans.  Please submit questions and attend to participate in a lively Q&A. We're again having our popular pre-session breakout room, at 7:45 PM EST so that you can mingle and socialize.  Register now!

 Registration button below.  Zoom instructions are in the registration acknowledgement.  

Register by Jan 18

Problems registering?  Email with name, class year, subject line: A4P 0119.


Speaker Bios


Dr. Anita Gupta *18 is faculty of anesthesiology and critical care medicine and pain medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her areas of clinical expertise include pain medicine, health policy, biotechnology, drug development, corporate and government affairs. Dr. Gupta completed her residency in anesthesiology at Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington DC and her pain fellowship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She received her doctorate in pharmacy from Rutgers University, New Jersey. Dr. Gupta completed her master’s in public policy and health policy from Princeton University’s School of International Affairs, and her medical school at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Among, her many professional activities, Dr. Gupta serves as a board of director of public and private sector organizations, serves an appointed member of the National Academies of Sciences Global Forum, National Quality Forum, and serves as a Food and Drug Administration advisor. She is named a 2020 Global Emerging Leader and a 2020 Top 100 Most Inspiring Leader and is an active member of a number of professional organizations including the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Society of Regional Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine and The Milken Institute Faster Cures Business Council.


Dr. Bon Ku *09 is the Director of the Health Design Lab at Thomas Jefferson University where he created the first design thinking program at a medical school. He is a Professor of Emergency Medicine, the Associate Dean for Health & Design and a practicing clinician. His work toward redesigning healthcare has been featured in The New York Times, CNBC, Architectural Digest and Fast Company. Dr. Ku has spoken at conferences, academic medical centers and universities around the world: SXSW, TEDx, Yale School of Management, American Institute of Architects and Singapore Design Week. Dr. Ku is the host of the Design Lab Podcast, co-wrote the book, Health Design Thinking, with Ellen Lupton and was a regular panelist on the primetime television show Chasing the Cure.


Dr. Audrey Li ‘13 is Clinical Fellow in Internal Medicine, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), a major teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. A proud alumnus of Princeton University and SUNY Downstate Medical Center, she will complete residency in 2021 and is thrilled to continue on at BIDMC for infectious diseases fellowship thereafter. Her passions are in health justice and care for the underserved, and she plans to eventually practice in infectious diseases at the interface of addiction medicine.

A4P Governing Board - Nancy Lin ’77, Douglas Chin ’83, Mokyou Hyun ’97, Pei-Ting Sarah Chou *05, Dan Joa ’77, Anu Vedantham *94, Arati Johnston '84, Chris Loh ’86, Debra Yu ’86, Greg Wong ’02, Jasmine Ueng-McHale ’97, Jenny Korn ’96, Kevin Wong ’05, Linda Jan *13, Lindie Wang ’14, Shikha Uberoi Bajpai ’13


A4P Advisors - April Chou ’96, Arka Mukherjee *95, Joyce Chen Shueh ’96, Michael Chow ’04, Minerva Yeung *96, Mo Chen ’80, Vitus Lau ’79, YS Chi ’83


Related Events

Asian American Leadership: Medicine in the Age of Covid ( Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM )
Location: Zoom
Organized by: A4P

Posted by tmswift almost 4 years ago.