Princeton Area Alumni Association


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2019 Volunteer of the Year: George Bustin

Throughout his decade of service to PA3 as Governance and Nominations Chair, George has kept us honest, ensuring our practices are consistent with university policy and that elections run smoothly and fairly. He is a consummate diplomat, who has deftly navigated PA3 through some dicey situations. He is the embodiment of wisdom and grace, and a pleasure to work with.

2018 Volunteer of the Year: Peter Carril, Jr '81


The past year has been a full of a broad range of events, thanks largely to Pete, who recently joined the PA3 team.  An evening learning about space and looking through the telescope on campus and an outing to a Trenton Thunder game are among the creative ideas Pete has realized in order to encourage broader partipation in PA3 activities from a more diverse group of members.  We will join you, Pete, to keep the momentum going!  Three cheers!

2018 Volunteer of the Year
2017 Volunteers of the Year - Catherine Mallette '84 & Tamara Garraffa P'20

2017 Volunteers of the Year:

      Catherine Mallette '84

      Tamara Garaffa P'20

Catherine and Tamara joined PA3's management team and hit the ground running.  They manage communications, marketing and social media and are all around great cheerleaders and supporters of PA3.  We salute them for always putting our best face forward!

2017 Volunteer of the Year: BF Graham W'44

As co-chair of PA3's Activities team, BFG launched the "Second Tuesdays" Propellers series as a way for the local alumni community to meet to discuss innovation and entrepreneurship on a regular basis. BFG lines up alumni to speak about their experiences in conceiving, starting, funding and growing businesses, particularly those in developing technological industries. Having forged a symbiotic relationship with Quad Club, BFG built a team to work with her in arranging the monthly gatherings, which include an hour of mingling over wine and cheese, followed by a fascinating presentation with Q&A. Thanks, BFG, for keeping the Propellers flying!

      BF Graham W'44

2017 Volunteer of the Year: Ann Huang P'19

Ann has truly energized the PA3 Parents Committee. Her inclusive smile and positive attitude make attendees feel welcome at all sorts of events. In addition to supporting fellow team members on a variety of PA3 events, Ann has arranged several well-attened private tours of the Federal Reserve Gold Vault in NYC. Thank you, Ann, for all your wonderful energy and enthusiasm!

    2018 Gold Vault Tour    

2016 Volunteer of the Year: Ben Beede *62

Ben wears a variety of hats for PA3 and is a tireless volunteer.  For several years, he has served as Regional Chair for Annual Giving. For even more years, he has been chief  "scribe" at the First Friday Luncheons, where he takes notes on the PhD candidates' presentations (these notes are posted on the PA3 website). Ben regularly volunteers to greet incoming graduate students at the welcome orientation each September. We are grateful to Ben for his spirit and commitment!

    Ben and the TigerBen and the Tiger

2015 Volunteer of the Year: Linsay Hiller '08

Linsay thought PA3 could use a Book Club. With the blessing of the Board, she wholeheartedly and mostly singlehandedly managed the launch for the group, handling communications, reading selections, logistics and discussions. We are grateful to Linsay for her initiative and are sad to see her leave our region.  We wish her well.
linsay hiller '08  


PA3 Book Club Readings

September 14 - "The Alchemist" by Paul Coelho

October 14 - "Independence Day" by Richard Ford

November 14 - "The Surrendered" by Chang-Rae Lee (guest)

December 14 - "Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Wife" by Queen Noor '73

January/February 15 - "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer '99

March 15 - "Would You Kill the Fat Man?" by David Edmonds

April 15 - "The Fifth Gospel" by Ian Caldwell '98 (guest)

May 15 - "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain '89

June 15 - "Freedom of Choice" by Evie Nagy '98

Posted by lydia about 6 years ago.