Princeton AlumniCorps is looking for alumni and friends who want to apply their skills toward an innovative nonprofit project. Organizations throughout the northeast are turning
to AlumniCorps for passionate and experienced volunteers who want to further a cause that is personally meaningful and socially significant.
to AlumniCorps for passionate and experienced volunteers who want to further a cause that is personally meaningful and socially significant.
Apply today to share your story with us and we will connect you with an organization that values your perspective,
utilizes your talent, and creates positive change for others. Innovator projects are skills-based, pro bono opportunities that last 2-6 months. Now is the time to put your skills to work in a new way.
Application review begins Monday, April 20th.
utilizes your talent, and creates positive change for others. Innovator projects are skills-based, pro bono opportunities that last 2-6 months. Now is the time to put your skills to work in a new way.
Application review begins Monday, April 20th.