Princeton Area Alumni Association

Community Service: Tutors Needed in Trenton

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Tutors Needed in Trenton


Weekly tutors are needed for the Princeton-Blairstown Center’s (PBC) Leaders of Tomorrow Program at Trenton Central High-West Campus in Trenton, NJ.  Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Volunteer for one or more days to tutor, mentor and empower underserved freshmen who need help with core subjects (English, Math, Science, History).  Application, fingerprinting and orientation required prior to working with students. For more information contact Jessica Keels, LSW, Site Coordinator at

PBC was founded in 1908 by a group of Princeton University undergraduates and alumni. They joined together to take 30 impoverished boys from Philadelphia to a two week summer program.  While much has changed over our 106 year history, we remain committed to serving some of our region’s most at-risk youth.  Today PBC’s mission is to transform the lives of vulnerable young people, through integrated experiential and adventure-based programming in schools and at our outdoor Blairstown Campus.  Our School-Based programs focus on dropout prevention, leadership and social emotional learning skills.

Posted by Princeton AAA over 10 years ago.