Woodcutters Volunteer Day
Saturday, November 12, 2022
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Princeton-Blairstown Center
This annual tradition of setting up the PBC Campus for winter continues! PBC is in a beautiful environment. Spectacular 268-acre outdoor Campus, surrounding 16-acre Bass Lake, nestled between the Appalachian Trail and the Delaware Water Gap. Map link https://tinyurl.com/PBC-Map
This one-day volunteer event asks participants to pitch in to complete winter prep tasks and restore the property. Raking leaves, splitting or stacking wood [see yours truly above at previous Woodcutters], mulching, waterfront restoration, garden work, library cleanup, window washing, etc.
Princeton-Blairstown Center serves young people, primarily from historically marginalized communities, by nurturing their social-emotional skills through experiential, environmental, and adventure-based programming. https://princetonblairstown.org.
In 1908, a group of Princeton University undergraduates and alumni founded the Princeton Summer Camp. They were determined to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged inner-city children by offering healthy and character-building camping experiences. In 1930, the Blairstown Campus, which eventually grew to 268 acres, was purchased. In 1973, professional staff began providing experiential education to urban youth. Princeton undergraduates continue to help staff the Center during the summer months.
Volunteer spots are limited, and pre-registration will be required. Link to registration is http://tinyurl.com/woodcutters2022. Lunch and dinner provided. Approximately 1 ½ hours from Princeton, Exit 12 off I-80 west. Carpooling planned. Looking for PA3 families [8-10 volunteers including children 10 and up] to join us; we’ll be there again.
Rick Ober ’65 & Carol Ober ‘h65
Contact info & Driving directions https://princetonblairstown.org/contact-and-directions