Princeton Area Alumni Association

Post: 2021 Lunar New Year

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2021 Lunar New Year

Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton (A4P)

Dear Tigers,


Happy New Year!  We will be live across the time zones.  Alumni sharing their traditions and stories will kick off each hour.  Ample time will be allotted for socializing, meet and greet. The date is Feb. 24th, 8pm in YOUR time zone.


Hope to see you there.  Present YOUR tradition.


Register today.  Follow the new moon!


All are welcome!


Your Princeton Club / Regional Association and the

Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton



A4P Lunar New Year Events

Year of the Ox


Wednesday February 24th at 8 PM in multiple time zones


Since we can't dine together, let's e-share favorite dishes and traditions!  


We'll follow the new moon as we march across time zones in a continuous Zoom session. Feel free to join in and drop off any and all: Feb. 24th 8 PM Taiwan / Asia, 8 PM EST, 8 pm CST, 8 PM MST, 8 PM PST, 8 PM HST (Hawaii)


You are welcome to send in your registration (with photo/video if available):

Family stories / tales
Recipe favorites
Country-specific celebration: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysia, Singaporean and more.


We'll provide Year of the Ox projections!


All Tigers, Family and Friends are Welcome!


Celebration Format: Alumni video clips (10 min.), live sharing of traditions (10 min.), A4P regional breakout rooms (15 min.), self selected breakout rooms (15 min.). All times approximate.


A4P Regional Zoom breakout room leaders


Boston - Vivian Ling '94, Chicago - Shirley Lee ‘13, Cincinnati - Lindie Wang '14, DC MD VA - Kitty Hsu Dana ‘77, Rose Li *92, Nicholas Wu '18, Hawaii - Rachael Wong '94, Houston - Wendy Lang '13, Jessica Li '18, Minneapolis St. Paul - Howard Chan '97, New York - Benny Mah '82, Northern NJ - Dan Joa '77, Princeton - Nancy Lin ‘77, Rocky Mountain - Emily Chan ‘97, Northern California - Chris Loh '86, Southern California, Los Angeles - Renee Chang ‘11, Doug Chin '83, Southern California, Orange County - Jeannie Su ‘91, Southern California, San Diego - Mokyou Hyun ‘97, Taiwan / Asia - Pei-Ting S. Chou *05, Toronto, Canada - Belinda Schubert ‘03, Dan Berbecel *19, Western Washington - Seattle - Elaine Chan ‘73


...and more to be added


Register by 2/23
Registration link issues?  Email name, class year, time zone

A4P Governing Board - Nancy Lin ’77, Douglas Chin ’83, Mokyou Hyun ’97, Pei-Ting Sarah Chou *05, Dan Joa ’77, Anu Vedantham *94, Arati Johnston '84, Chris Loh ’86, Debra Yu ’86, Greg Wong ’02, Jasmine Ueng-McHale ’97, Jenny Korn ’96, Kevin Wong ’05, Linda Jan *13, Lindie Wang ’14, Shikha Uberoi Bajpai ’13


A4P Advisors - April Chou ’96, Arka Mukherjee *95, Joyce Chen Shueh ’96, Michael Chow ’04, Minerva Yeung *96, Mo Chen ’80, Vitus Lau ’79, YS Chi ’83


Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton

c/o Office of Alumni Affairs, Princeton University


Princeton, New Jersey  08540

United States of America

Related Events

2021 Lunar New Year Celebration ( Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM )

Join us for a virtual celebration of the Lunar New Year!

Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
Organized by: A4P

Posted by tmswift over 3 years ago.