Princeton Area Alumni Association

Post: Lydia to Receive CAPA Award!

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Lydia to Receive CAPA Award!

PA3's own Lydia Zaininger '83 has been selected as the 2017 recipient of the prestigious Alumni Council Committee on Academic Programs for Alumni (CAPA) Award for Excellence in Alumni Education. The award has been presented annually by CAPA since 2003 to an individual or group who has made an outstanding contribution to alumni education at Princeton, with a special emphasis placed on service over a significant period of time. Lydia is being honored for her service and commitment as an active member and activities chair of PA3 and as the organizer extraordinaire of the fabulous First Fridays luncheon series. The award will be presented at the Alumni Council Luncheon this Friday, June 2. Congratulations Lydia on this achievement. 
Come out and Cheer her on!

Related Events

Lydia Zaininger to Receive CAPA Award ( Friday, June 2, 2017 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM )
Location: Alumni Council Luncheon
Organized by: Princeton Alumni Committee on Academic Programs for Alumni (CAPA)

Posted by Teegger about 7 years ago.