Princeton Area Alumni Association

Post: Global NetNight 2014

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Global NetNight 2014

One night. One focus. Princetonians around the world.

On Tuesday, February 25, the Princeton Area Alumni Association [PA3] will be one of many regional associations hosting a local, in-person, networking event as part of “Princeton Global NetNight 2014: Mentoring and Beyond: Developing Long-term Professional Relationships,”   at 6:30 PM at Princeton AlumniCorps, 12 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540.  In order to have a raucous but productive interactive evening, we have recruited leaders across a 45-year span of Princeton experience:

Paul Nehring ’10, formerly of, a technology-facilitated mentoring program serving over 3000 students from low-income neighborhoods, is currently Program Manager at Princeton AlumniCorps.

Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman ’81 holds a PhD in biochemistry and biophysics.  She played a major role in developing the 2014 NetNight program and the mentoring program of Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWISE).  She owns OMAR, a consulting firm.

Rick Ober ’65 is currently General Counsel and Secretary of Isles, Inc., a Trenton nonprofit.  He serves as a mentor in the Yale Law Women Mentorship program and Co-Facilitated Trinity Jobseekers for 9 years.

The cost is $5 for those who RSVP in advance, $10 at the door for those of you who worry about the weather and will only show up if it's balmy.  PayPal/Credit Card Button below.  For troglodytes, if you must mail a check, please make it payable to the Princeton Area Alumni Association [please put NetNight on the Memo line], and send it to our Treasurer, Fouad J. Masrieh *69 

Fouad J. Masrieh
1009 Barclay Blvd
Princeton, NJ 08540

Related Events

Global NetNight 2014 ( Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM )
Location: Princeton AlumniCorps, 12 Stockton St., Princeton 08540
Cost: $5 in advance, $10 at door
Organized by: Princeton Alumni Association Careers Committee

Posted by rober over 10 years ago.