Princeton Area Alumni Association

Careers & Networking: Princeternship Program

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Princeternship Program

Register today! Please fill out our online registration form.

* Deadline for March Princeternship hosts to register: Monday, January 23, 2012 *

What is the difference between a Princeternship and an internship?

Princeternships are short-term (1-3 contiguous days), offer no pay, and are hosted by alumni to help Princeton undergraduate students get the “feel” for a specific career field. Students are selected and matched by Career Services. Internships are longer term (from several weeks to a year), may involve pay, and provide a work function in support of the organization. Interns are selected and hired by the hosting organization.
What are the benefits of the Princeternship program to me and my organization?
The Princeternship Program gives alumni hosts the opportunity to connect with current Princeton undergraduates, gain access to potential summer interns and future employees, and increase student awareness of their career field and their organization. To learn more about the student benefits of the Princeternship program, please read their student blogs.
What does the Princeternship experience involve?
Princeternships usually last 1-2 days, but could last as long as 3 days. The student “shadows” the host through a typical day’s activities. A 1 day Princeternship might include meetings, informational discussions, and/or interviews with colleagues, tours of the organization, and general observation of business proceedings. Information from the students’ applications—including their areas of interest, academic major, and previous experience—can help in the structuring of individual Princeternship experiences.
When do the Princeternships take place?
The Princeternships will take place on the following dates:
     January 9 – 13, 2012 (Reading Period)
     January 30 – February 3, 2012 (Intercession Break)
     March 19 – 23, 2012 (Spring Break) 
Alumni will choose a 1-3 day period during one (or more) of these times. These opportunities will then be advertised to students.
When is the deadline to register?
The deadline to register for returning Princeternship hosts for the January Princeternships (Reading Period & Intercession Break) is October 7, 2011. The deadline to register for new Princeternship hosts for the January Princeternships (Reading Period & Intercession Break) is October 12, 2011. The deadline to register for March Princeternships (Spring Break) is January 23, 2012.
What type of work experience, job skills and other talents do students bring to the Princeternship?
Since the Princeternship Program is open to all undergraduates, your student could be a freshman with more limited work experience or a senior with more relevant experience. The required resume and statement of interest from the student will provide additional information to the host. However, the primary intent of this experience is for students to find out more about their career interests, so students will not be expected to be “equipped” with the necessary work experience and job skills.
What type of work will students do?
Students can assist with research, laboratory work, data analysis, and editing, just to name a few examples. They could also be asked to participate in planning and problem-solving sessions with their host and his/her staff or meet with staff from different departments within the organization. Some students may be assigned small projects, to be completed as part of a team effort or individually, during the course of their Princeternship.
Can I have more than one student per opportunity?
Yes, this is left to the discretion of the alumni hosts.
Am I responsible for the student’s housing, transportation or other expenses?
No, the student’s expenses are paid in full by the student.
How does the selection process work?
Career Services will review and match student applications for each Princeternship opportunity during November (for Reading Period and Intercession Break) and February (for Spring Break). Alumni and students will be notified of the placements by early December and early March, respectively.
How do I go about listing a Princeternship opportunity?
If you are interested in participating in the Princeternship Program, please fill out our online registration form link at the top of this page.  If you have further questions, please contact Lisa Bogdanski, Assistant Director for Student/Alumni Engagement Programs, at 609-258-8387 or

Visit for more information about the program, how to register, upcoming deadlines, and to read student blogs.
Related Events

Offer to host a Princeternship over Spring Break (March 19-23)! ( Monday, March 19, 2012 - 2:09 PM to Friday, March 23, 2012 - 2:09 PM )

The Princeternship program is an opportunity for alumni to host current students at their workplace for a one- to three-day externship experience to give them a “day in the life” perspective of your career, industry, and/or organization. This might include student participation in meetings, shadowing, demonstrations, Q&A sessions, case studies, and/or tours. Visit for more information about the program, how to register, upcoming deadlines, and to read student blogs.
Deadline to volunteer is Jan 23, 2012.

Posted by Lnhahn about 13 years ago.