Princeton Area Alumni Association

Careers & Networking: Alumni Connections Student Networking Event

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Alumni Connections Student Networking Event

An Invitation to Alumni from The Office of Career Services at Princeton

Princeton area alumni are invited to partner with the Office of Careers Services  to offer invaluable career advice and assistance to current students by participating in the: Alumni Connections Student Networking Event

Time: Monday, November 14, 6-8 p.m.

Place: Prospect House (refreshments provided)

Contact: Beverly Hamilton-Chandler, Director of Career Services (

Deadline: November 4, 2011

Purpose: Connecting with alumni is a great way for students to develop a greater understanding of the broad range of opportunities and career paths available to all majors. Hearing personal stories from alumni about the degree to which their major influenced (or didn’t influence) their career choices is helpful as students explore the relationship between majors and careers.  If you are able to join as a mentor for this event, please e-mail Beverly Hamilton-Chandler, Director of Career Services

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Alumni Connections Student Networking Event ( Monday, November 14, 2011 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )
Location: Prospect House (register by November 4th)

Posted by cheryl.rowerendleman almost 13 years ago.