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Careers & Networking: Abacus: Small Enough to Jail, A Documentary

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Abacus: Small Enough to Jail, A Documentary

A4P - Princeton Area PA3 Presents


ABACUS: small enough to jail 

When: Wednesday, May 2, 4:30PM - 6:30PM 

Where: Princeton University, Whitman College Theatre 


From Steve James - Director of Hoop Dreams and Life Itself

ABACUS: small enough to jail tells the incredible saga of the Chinese immigrant Sung family, owners of Abacus Federal Savings of Chinatown, New York. Accused of mortgage fraud by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., Abacus becomes the only U.S. bank to face criminal charges in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. The indictment and subsequent trial forces the Sung family to defend themselves – and their bank’s legacy in the Chinatown community – over the course of a five-year legal battle."

Chanterelle Sung '00 plays herself in this Oscar nominated documentary.  She and her sisters Jill and Vera will visit Princeton and after the movie, serve on a Q&A panel moderated by Professor Beth Lew-Williams and Joyce Chen Shueh '96. Of the four Sung sisters, three were trained as lawyers, the fourth a physician — including Jill Sung, the bank’s chief executive, and Vera Sung, a director of the bank — and Chanterelle ‘00 who ironically once worked in the district attorney’s office that prosecuted the case.


Trailer link here 

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Film Showing of "Abacus - small enough to jail" ( Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM )

The incredible saga of the Chinese immigrant Sung family, owners of Abacus Federal Savings of Chinatown, New York. Accused of mortgage fraud by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., Abacus becomes the only U.S. bank to face criminal charges in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. The indictment and subsequent trial forces the Sung family to defend themselves – and their bank’s legacy in the Chinatown community – over the course of a five-year legal battle."

Members of the Sung family will be available after the screening for a Q&A.

Location: Princeton Univ., Whitman College Theatre

Posted by Teegger almost 7 years ago.