Princeton Area Alumni Association

Graduate Alumni: Princeton Alumni Angels Inaugural Virtual Pitch Event

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Princeton Alumni Angels Inaugural Virtual Pitch Event




Join for Princeton Alumni Angels'


Inaugural  Virtual Pitch Event


Thursday, April 23rd @ 6:30pm EDT








Princeton Alumni Angels (PAA) is proud to roll out our inaugural virtual pitch event on April 23!  You'll be able to engage with exciting startups where ever you are and we can all maintain required physical distancing protocols.

Once again, PAA received more than 100 applications!  More than 60 alumni volunteer screeners from both coasts -- and points in-between -- played a role in the review process.

Moving to a virtual format allows us to respond to one of the most consistent bits of feedback -- PAA doesn't offer enough companies to the opportunity to pitch.

So we selected 12 high-potential companies and, in addition to our April 23rd event, we will hold pitch events on May 20th and June 18th.  Each pitch event will feature four exciting and innovative startups and each event will have a unique theme to ensure we have a great breadth of strong companies.

Like other pitch nights, these events will be limited to accredited investors.


We encourage all Princetonians with an interest in entrepreneurship and innovation to join for the virtual pitch event, where ever you reside!

Register NOW for the April 23 virtual pitch event.  More details are on the Eventbrite registration page.



RSVP HERE NOW and take advantage of special early bird pricing of $30 through Sunday April 19th.  The full price is $40.




PA of New York City

c/o Alumni Affairs, Princeton University


Princeton, New Jersey  08540

United States of America

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Princeton Alumni Angel's Virtual Pitch Event ( Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM )
Location: Virtual
Organized by: PANYC and PAA

Posted by tmswift almost 5 years ago.