Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: PA3 and the Princetoniana Committee Need Your Help

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PA3 and the Princetoniana Committee Need Your Help

Last summer PA3 teamed up with the Alumni Association's Princetoniana Committee to conduct interviews with alums from the 1940s. Those interviews, focused on the alums' experiences at Princeton, form a part of a larger body of oral history of our beloved alma mater housed in the University Archives at Mudd Library. Of the old guard interviews conducted thus far, a common thread is recurring mention of a few professors, fondly remembered even after many decades, as truly outstanding scholars and teachers. The existing oral history transcript library includes interviews with several venerable professors, and the PA3 and Princetoniana Committee are very interested in adding to it by identifying and interviewing those professors that truly stand out in the memories of alumni, both undergraduate and graduate.

Consequently, you could do us a great service by giving some thought to your Princeton experience and replying with the names of any cherished professors, including a short explanation of what subject they taught and why they stand out so plainly in memory. We will use this input to help guide us in the selection of professors emeriti to interview. Please respond to Tom Swift '76 or call him at 908-369-1601. Thank you.  

Posted by Sara almost 13 years ago.