Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: 2022 Annual Meeting

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2022 Annual Meeting

PA3 Cocktail Party and Annual Meeting

In-person at theSpringdale Golf Club

6pm to 8pm, November 10th, 2022

After two years of virtual events, PA3 resumes face-to-face events with our Annual Meeting, reengineered to focus on seeing old friends and making new ones.  Join us for an all-members reception and cocktail party with substantial hors d'oeuvres during which we will also (briefly) conduct the business of our annual meeting and elect officers and directors under our bylaws.

Prices for the event are highly subsidized, both by past membership dues as well as through the generous sponsorship of the Bank of Princeton and are as follows:

2022-2023 Top Tigers:  Two admitted free

2022-2023 Dues paying members:  One admitted free

Other members and additional guests:  $25 per person


If you wish to attend you must RVSP to Tom Swift at

Tickets may be purchased on-line via the paypal link below.  Otherwise, you may pay at the door.

If you haven't paid your 2022-2023 dues yet, you may do so via the link at the top of the page.


2022 Annual Meeting Ticket
Related Events

PA3 2022 Cocktail Party ( Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM )

Cocktail Party and Annual Meeting

Location: Springdale Golf Club
Organized by: PA3

Posted by tmswift almost 2 years ago.