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Social Activities: PWN Entrepreneurship Program

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PWN Entrepreneurship Program

PWN Entrepreneurship Program - Embracing the Formerly Corporate Life: Is this the Year?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 7:30 - 9 pm via Zoom

A new year always brings dreams and apprehensions about what lies ahead. Is 2022 the year to look at where your work life is going?

Many people are confronted with the realities of working from home, child education and care, isolation, or job loss. Some have already decided that working for themselves is a better option. But it’s complicated, and you will need a plan, whether you start a new profession, buy a franchise business, or form a new company.

The Princeton Women’s Network of the Princeton Area is pleased to offer “Embracing the Formerly Corporate Life: Is this the year?” on Wednesday, January 19, 7:30 – 9 pm. Lorette Pruden *81, PhD, founder of Inventive Strategies, business coach, and author of the book Formerly Corporate: Mindset Shifts for Success in Your Own Business, will share the key things to consider as you navigate the move from employee to entrepreneur.

Attendees will leave with a better sense of what it takes to start and succeed in a new business venture. They will also receive a free chapter from Lorette’s book and an opportunity for a free 30-minute coaching session.

This program is free to join. Zoom details will be shared with those who register via the Register link below.

Questions? Contact Diane Hasling ’79, PWN Princeton Area Chair

Register: Register for Presentation

Short Bio of the Speaker:

Working at the intersection of business and people processes, Lorette Pruden, *81, has helped hundreds of small business owners and start-up entrepreneurs. Many of those clients turned from the corporate world to build businesses of their own.

Lorette earned a Princeton PhD with a Mobil Incentive Fellowship, and is a chemical engineer and entrepreneur.

Lorette helps clients with the transition from working for others to building a successful business. With her latest book, Formerly Corporate: Mindset Shifts for Success in Your Own Business, she lays out the path for the erstwhile employee to become a successful business owner.


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PWN Entrepreneurship Program ( Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM )

PWN Entrepreneurship Program – Embracing the Formerly Corporate Life: Is this the Year?
Presentation by Lorette Pruden *81, PhD.

Location: Virtual
Organized by: PWN

Posted by dhasling about 3 years ago.