Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: Project Hero: Calling Cancer Patients and Survivors

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Project Hero: Calling Cancer Patients and Survivors

HERO:  Health  Empowerment  & Recovery  Outcomes 

Body-mind and  Body Training  for Cancer Fighters  and Survivors 


Strengthen your health and become a HERO to fight cancer through a study at  The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. Our study examines the effects of  body and body-mind training on the health of cancer fighters and survivors.  Men of all physical activity levels may take part. Payment is provided for  those who participate.  

To see if you qualify, call us at 732-258-6045,  or e-mail 

You may qualify if you: 

• Have ever been diagnosed with cancer 

• Are age 55 or older 

All participants will be asked to complete surveys and  assessments. Some participants may be assigned to body  or body-mind training classes (you may bring an adult  companion too).  


Posted by tmswift about 4 years ago.