Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: Understanding the Science Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic – Critical Information to Make Informed Decisions

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Understanding the Science Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic – Critical Information to Make Informed Decisions

James (Jaime) Martiney '85 P14 earned his BA in Biology from Princeton and PhD in Experimental Pathology from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Jaime has 30+ years of experience teaching STEM-related graduate-level, upper-level and intro-level courses for science, pre-health career, and non-science majors. Jaime served for fourteen years in the United States Navy Reserves, Medical Service Corps, achieving the rank of Lieutenant Commander, where he trained to strategically prepare and respond to biological warfare events, global pandemics and disaster preparedness. He was activated to Active Duty in 2003 and became a veteran during the Iraqi Freedom operations.

 His military training and duties included:

  • Fleet Biological Warfare Agent Detection for Navy Environmental and Preventative Medicine Personnel – Biological Defense Research Directorate, USAMRIID
  • Medical Management of Chemical and Biologic Warfare Injuries – US Navy
  • CBRNE (Chemical Biological RadioNuclearExplosive event Wargame Exercises – Several, US Navy

He currently serves on the board of Association of Latino Princeton Alumni (ALPA) and regularly attends as many PA3 events as he can, including the book club.

Posted by Dan about 4 years ago.