Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: Tiger Talk: Climate Change

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Tiger Talk: Climate Change

The Princeton Area Alumni Association would like to invite all local alumni, parents, grad students and friends to:

Is Climate Change Up for Debate?

Featuring these outstanding panelists:

David Crane ’81, CEO of NRG Energy Inc.

Freeman Dyson, physicist and mathematician, The Institute for Advanced Study

Hiram "Chip" Levy II, Senior Research Scientist - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA on Princeton's Forrestal Campus

The panel will be moderated by George Bustin '70.

After a lively discussion and debate on charter schools in suburbia at its last Tiger Talk, PA3 is switching gears for a Tiger Talk on another heated issue: climate change. 

Humans have long suspected that their activities alter the climate they live in. Ancient Greeks, for example, wondered if cutting down trees would affect rainfall. With the discovery of the greenhouse effect in the early 19th century, climate change emerged as an area of more formal scientific inquiry. By the 1950s, scientists largely believed that human activity could influence climate but were unsure if it would have a net cooling or warming effect. The prevailing opinion that human activity caused global warming emerged by the 1970s. Yet despite humans' long history of questioning their effect on climate, a debate still rages among scientists: Is the earth warming, and is man causing it? Can we or should we stop it? How can we prepare? 

Following their comments, the panelists will be available for questions from attendees or other panelists.
We ask attendees to respect the fact that this event is an 'off the record' discussion for PA3 members and their guests.

May 18th, 2011
7 PM – 9 PM

The Convocation Room
at The Friend Center
 Princeton University School of Engineering
(corner of Olden and William Streets)
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Dessert buffet and coffee/tea included
Ticket price: $10 per person
Please RSVP below
Reservations will be held at the door

Related Events

Tiger Talk: Climate Change ( Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM )
Location: Friend Center - Princeton University Campus
Cost: $10
Organized by: PA3

Posted by Princeton AAA almost 14 years ago.