Princeton Area Alumni Association

Social Activities: First Friday Lunch with Nadezhda Savova, PhD in Anthropology

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First Friday Lunch with Nadezhda Savova, PhD in Anthropology

On Friday, January 11th, 2013, PA3 welcomed Nadezhda Savova to the monthly First Friday luncheon at the Nassau Club.  Nadezhda recently received her PhD in the Department of Anthropology.

.  Picture of Nadezhda Savova with loaves of bread
National Geographic 'Traveler of the Year' Nadezhda Savova with loaves of bread decorated with traditional Bulgarian patterns.

Nadezhda told the group about The Bread Houses Network, which she initiated while was conducting her PhD research in the Department of 
Anthropology at Princeton. While studying the social role of community 
cultural centers networks in Brazil, Cuba, and Bulgaria, Nadezhda started to connect these 
networks and help them develop exchanges and projects. In 2008 while working for 
UNESCO’s Culture Sector in Paris she founded the  International Council for Cultural 
Centers (I3C),, which is a global network of community cultural 
centers, already connecting 56 national networks with thousands of centers, scattered from 
rich urban places to some of the most marginalized neighborhoods of the world, proving that 
art is and should be for everyone.

We look forward to hearing about Nadezhda's continued successes as she further develops the network.

Posted by lydia about 12 years ago.